Source code for pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel

''' Module for timeseries modeling

import numpy as np
# new for statsmodels v0.12
from statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import arma_generate_sample
from statsmodels.tsa.arima.model import ARIMA
from tqdm import tqdm
from .tsutils import standardize
from stochastic.processes.noise import ColoredNoise
from stochastic.processes.noise import FractionalGaussianNoise

from .tsbase import (
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.optimize import minimize # for MLE estimation of tau_0

__all__ = [

[docs]def ar1_model(t, tau, output_sigma=1): ''' Simulate AR(1) process with REDFIT Simulate a (possibly irregularly-sampled) AR(1) process with given decay constant tau, à la REDFIT. Parameters ---------- t : array Time axis of the time series tau : float The averaged persistence Returns ------- y : array The AR(1) time series References ---------- Schulz, M. & Mudelsee, M. REDFIT: estimating red-noise spectra directly from unevenly spaced paleoclimatic time series. Computers & Geosciences 28, 421–426 (2002). ''' n = np.size(t) y = np.zeros(n) y[0] = 0 # initializing for i in range(1, n): scaled_dt = (t[i] - t[i-1]) / tau rho = np.exp(-scaled_dt) err = np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(1 - rho**2)*output_sigma, 1) y[i] = y[i-1]*rho + err return y
[docs]def ar1_fit(y, t=None): ## is this still used anywhere? Looks redundant ''' Return lag-1 autocorrelation Returns the lag-1 autocorrelation from AR(1) fit OR persistence from tauest. Parameters ---------- y : array The time series t : array The time axis of that series Returns ------- g : float Lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient (for evenly-spaced time series) OR estimated persistence (for unevenly-spaced time series) See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.tsbase.is_evenly_spaced : Check if a time axis is evenly spaced, within a given tolerance pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.tau_estimation : Estimates the temporal decay scale of an (un)evenly spaced time series. ''' if is_evenly_spaced(t): g = ar1_fit_evenly(y) else: # g = tau_estimation(y, t, detrend=detrend, params=params) g = tau_estimation(y, t) return g
[docs]def ar1_sim(y, p, t=None): '''Simulate AR(1) process(es) with sample autocorrelation value Produce p realizations of an AR(1) process of length n with lag-1 autocorrelation g calculated from `y` and (if provided) `t` Will be replaced by ar1_sim_geneva in a future release Parameters ---------- y : array a time series; NaNs not allowed p : int column dimension (number of surrogates) t : array the time axis of the series Returns ------- ysim : array n by p matrix of simulated AR(1) vector See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.ar1_model : Simulates a (possibly irregularly-sampled) AR(1) process with given decay constant tau, à la REDFIT. pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.ar1_fit : Returns the lag-1 autocorrelation from AR(1) fit OR persistence from tauest. pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.ar1_fit_evenly : Returns the lag-1 autocorrelation from AR(1) fit assuming even temporal spacing. pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.tau_estimation : Estimates the temporal decay scale of an (un)evenly spaced time series. ''' n = np.size(y) ysim = np.empty(shape=(n, p)) # declare array sig = np.std(y) if is_evenly_spaced(t): g = ar1_fit_evenly(y) # specify model parameters (statmodel want lag0 coefficent as unity) ar = np.r_[1, -g] # AR model parameter ma = np.r_[1, 0.0] # MA model parameters sig_n = sig*np.sqrt(1-g**2) # theoretical noise variance for the process to achieve the same variance as y # simulate AR(1) model for each column for i in np.arange(p): ysim[:, i] = arma_generate_sample(ar, ma, nsample=n, scale=sig_n, burnin=50) # statsmodels v0.12+ else: # tau_est = ar1_fit(y, t=t, detrend=detrend, params=params) tau_est = tau_estimation(y, t) for i in np.arange(p): # the output of ar1_model has unit variance, # multiply by sig to be consistent with the original input timeseries ysim[:, i] = ar1_model(t, tau_est, output_sigma=sig) if p == 1: ysim = ysim[:, 0] return ysim
[docs]def gen_ar1_evenly(t, g, scale=1, burnin=50): ''' Generate AR(1) series samples MARK FOR DEPRECATION once ar1fit_ml is adopted Wrapper for the function `statsmodels.tsa.arima_process.arma_generate_sample <>`_. used to generate an ARMA Parameters ---------- t : array the time axis g : float lag-1 autocorrelation scale : float The standard deviation of noise. burnin : int Number of observation at the beginning of the sample to drop. Used to reduce dependence on initial values. Returns ------- y : array the generated AR(1) series See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.gen_ts : Generate pyleoclim.Series with timeseries models ''' ar = np.r_[1, -g] # AR model parameter ma = np.r_[1, 0.0] # MA model parameters y = arma_generate_sample(ar, ma, nsample=np.size(t), scale=scale, burnin=burnin) return y
[docs]def ar1_fit_evenly(y): ''' Returns the lag-1 autocorrelation from AR(1) fit. Uses `statsmodels.tsa.arima.model.ARIMA <>`_. to calculate lag-1 autocorrelation Parameters ---------- y : array Vector of (float) numbers as a time series Returns ------- g : float Lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient ''' # syntax compatible with statsmodels v0.11.1 #ar1_mod = sm.tsa.ARMA(y, (1, 0), missing='drop').fit(trend='nc', disp=0) # syntax compatible with statsmodels v0.12 ar1_mod = ARIMA(y, order = (1, 0, 0), missing='drop',trend='ct').fit() g = ar1_mod.params[2] if g > 1: print('Warning: AR(1) fitted autocorrelation greater than 1; setting to 1-eps^{1/4}') eps = np.spacing(1.0) g = 1.0 - eps**(1/4) return g
[docs]def tau_estimation(y, t): ''' Estimates the temporal decay scale of an (un)evenly spaced time series. Esimtates the temporal decay scale of an (un)evenly spaced time series. Uses `scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar <>`_. Parameters ---------- y : array A time series t : array Time axis of the time series Returns ------- tau_est : float The estimated persistence References ---------- Mudelsee, M. TAUEST: A Computer Program for Estimating Persistence in Unevenly Spaced Weather/Climate Time Series. Comput. Geosci. 28, 69–72 (2002). ''' dt = np.diff(t) def ar1_fun(a): return np.sum((y[1:] - y[:-1]*a**dt)**2) a_est = optimize.minimize_scalar(ar1_fun, bounds=[0, 1], method='bounded').x tau_est = -1 / np.log(a_est) return tau_est
[docs]def isopersistent_rn(y, p): ''' Generates p realization of a red noise [i.e. AR(1)] process with same persistence properties as y (Mean and variance are also preserved). Parameters ---------- X : array vector of (real) numbers as a time series, no NaNs allowed p : int number of simulations Returns ------- red : numpy array n rows by p columns matrix of an AR1 process, where n is the size of X g :float lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.correlation.corr_sig : Estimates the Pearson's correlation and associated significance between two non IID time series pyleoclim.utils.correlation.fdr : Determine significance based on the false discovery rate Notes ----- (Some Rights Reserved) Hepta Technologies, 2008 ''' n = np.size(y) sig = np.std(y, ddof=1) g = ar1_fit_evenly(y) red = sm_ar1_sim(n, p, g, sig) return red, g
[docs]def sm_ar1_sim(n, p, g, sig): ''' Produce p realizations of an AR1 process of length n with lag-1 autocorrelation g using statsmodels Parameters ---------- n : int row dimensions p : int column dimensions g : float lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient sig : float the standard deviation of the original time series Returns ------- red : numpy matrix n rows by p columns matrix of an AR1 process See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.correlation.corr_sig : Estimates the Pearson's correlation and associated significance between two non IID time series pyleoclim.utils.correlation.fdr : Determine significance based on the false discovery rate ''' # specify model parameters (statsmodel wants lag0 coefficents as unity) ar = np.r_[1, -g] # AR model parameter ma = np.r_[1, 0.0] # MA model parameters sig_n = sig*np.sqrt(1-g**2) # theoretical noise variance for red to achieve the same variance as X red = np.empty(shape=(n, p)) # declare array # simulate AR(1) model for each column for i in np.arange(p): red[:, i] = arma_generate_sample(ar=ar, ma=ma, nsample=n, burnin=50, scale=sig_n) return red
[docs]def colored_noise(alpha, t, f0=None, m=None, seed=None): ''' Generate a colored noise timeseries Parameters ---------- alpha : float exponent of the 1/f^alpha noise t : float time vector of the generated noise f0 : float fundamental frequency m : int maximum number of the waves, which determines the highest frequency of the components in the synthetic noise Returns ------- y : array the generated 1/f^alpha noise See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.gen_ts : Generate pyleoclim.Series with timeseries models References ---------- Eq. (15) in Kirchner, J. W. Aliasing in 1/f(alpha) noise spectra: origins, consequences, and remedies. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 71, 066110 (2005). ''' n = np.size(t) # number of time points y = np.zeros(n) if f0 is None: f0 = 1/n # fundamental frequency if m is None: m = n//2 k = np.arange(m) + 1 # wave numbers if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) theta = np.random.rand(int(m))*2*np.pi # random phase for j in range(n): coeff = (k*f0)**(-alpha/2) sin_func = np.sin(2*np.pi*k*f0*t[j] + theta) y[j] = np.sum(coeff*sin_func) return y
[docs]def colored_noise_2regimes(alpha1, alpha2, f_break, t, f0=None, m=None, seed=None): ''' Generate a colored noise timeseries with two regimes Parameters ---------- alpha1, alpha2 : float the exponent of the 1/f^alpha noise f_break : float the frequency where the scaling breaks t : float time vector of the generated noise f0 : float fundamental frequency m : int maximum number of the waves, which determines the highest frequency of the components in the synthetic noise Returns ------- y : array the generated 1/f^alpha noise See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.gen_ts : Generate pyleoclim.Series with timeseries models References ---------- Eq. (15) in Kirchner, J. W. Aliasing in 1/f(alpha) noise spectra: origins, consequences, and remedies. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 71, 066110 (2005). ''' n = np.size(t) # number of time points y = np.zeros(n) if f0 is None: f0 = 1/n # fundamental frequency if m is None: m = n//2 # so the aliasing is limited k = np.arange(m) + 1 # wave numbers if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) theta = np.random.rand(int(m))*2*np.pi # random phase f_vec = k*f0 regime1= k*f0>=f_break regime2= k*f0<=f_break f_vec1 = f_vec[regime1] f_vec2 = f_vec[regime2] s = np.exp(alpha1/alpha2*np.log(f_vec1[0])) / f_vec2[-1] for j in range(n): coeff = np.ndarray((np.size(f_vec))) coeff[regime1] = f_vec1**(-alpha1/2) coeff[regime2] = (s*f_vec2)**(-alpha2/2) sin_func = np.sin(2*np.pi*k*f0*t[j] + theta) y[j] = np.sum(coeff*sin_func) return y
[docs]def gen_ts(model, t=None, nt=1000, **kwargs): ''' Generate pyleoclim.Series with timeseries models Parameters ---------- model : str, {'colored_noise', 'colored_noise_2regimes', 'ar1'} the timeseries model to use - colored_noise : colored noise with one scaling slope - colored_noise_2regimes : colored noise with two regimes of two different scaling slopes - ar1 : AR(1) series, with default autocorrelation of 0.5 t : array the time axis nt : number of time points only works if 't' is None, and it will use an evenly-spaced vector with nt points kwargs : dict the keyward arguments for the specified timeseries model Returns ------- t, v : NumPy arrays time axis and values See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.colored_noise : Generate a colored noise timeseries pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.colored_noise_2regimes : Generate a colored noise timeseries with two regimes pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.gen_ar1_evenly : Generate an AR(1) series ''' if t is None: t = np.arange(nt) tsm = { 'colored_noise': colored_noise, 'colored_noise_2regimes': colored_noise_2regimes, 'ar1': gen_ar1_evenly, } tsm_args = {} tsm_args['colored_noise'] = {'alpha': 1} tsm_args['colored_noise_2regimes'] = {'alpha1': 1/2, 'alpha2': 2, 'f_break': 1/20} tsm_args['ar1'] = {'g': 0.5} tsm_args[model].update(kwargs) v = tsm[model](t=t, **tsm_args[model]) return t, v
[docs]def parametric_surrogates(y, p, model, param, seed): ''' Generate `p` surrogates of array X according to a given parametric model Parameters ---------- model : str Stochastic model for the temporal behavior. Accepted choices are: - 'unif': resample uniformly from the posterior distribution - 'ar': autoregressive model, see - 'fGn': fractional Gaussian noise, see - 'power-law': aka Colored Noise, see param : variable type [default is None] parameter of the model. - 'unif': no parameter - 'ar': param is the result from fitting Statsmodels (with zero-lag term) - 'fGn': param is the Hurst exponent, H (float) - 'power-law': param is the spectral exponent beta (float) Under allowable values, 'fGn' and 'power-law' should return equivalent results as long as H = (beta+1)/2 is in [0, 1) p : int number of series to export trend : array, length self.nt general trend of the ensemble. If None, it is calculated as the ensemble mean. If provided, it will be added to the ensemble. seed : int seed for the random generator (provided for reproducibility) Returns ------- surr : N x p array containing surrogates ''' if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) N = len(y) paths = np.ndarray((N, p)) if model == 'ar': coeffs = param[1:] # ignore the zero-lag term arparams = np.r_[1, -coeffs] maparams = np.r_[1, np.zeros_like(coeffs)] for j in tqdm(range(p)): y = arma_generate_sample(arparams, maparams, N) z, _, _ = standardize(y) paths[:,j] = z elif model == 'power-law': for j in tqdm(range(p)): CN = ColoredNoise(beta=param,t=N) z, _, _ = standardize(CN.sample(N-1)) paths[:,j] = z elif model == 'fGn': for j in tqdm(range(p)): fgn = FractionalGaussianNoise(hurst=param, t=N) z, _, _ = standardize(fgn.sample(N, algorithm='daviesharte')) paths[:,j] = z
[docs]def n_ll_unevenly_spaced_ar1(theta, y, t): """ Compute the negative log-likelihood of an evenly/unevenly spaced AR(1) model. It is assumed that the vector theta is initialized with log of tau and log of sigma 2. Parameters ---------- theta: array, length 2 the first value is tau_0, the second value sigma^2. y: array,length n The vector of observations. t: array,length n, the vector of time values. Returns: float. The value of the negative log likelihood evalued with the arguments provided (theta, y, t). """ # define n n = len(y) log_tau_0 = theta[0] log_sigma_2_0 = theta[1] tau_0 = np.exp(log_tau_0) sigma_2 = np.exp(log_sigma_2_0) delta = np.diff(t) phi = np.exp((-delta / tau_0)) term_1 = y[1:n] - (phi * y[0:(n-1)]) term_2 = pow(term_1, 2) term_3 = term_2 / (1- pow(phi, 2)) term_4 = 1/(sigma_2 * n) *sum(term_3) term_5 = 1/n * sum(np.log(1-pow(phi,2))) nll = np.log(2*np.pi) + np.log(sigma_2) + term_5 + term_4 return(nll)
[docs]def ar1_fit_ml(y, t): ''' Maximum Likelihood Estimation of parameters tau_0 and sigma_2_0 Parameters ---------- y : An array of the values of the time series Values of the times series. t : An array of the time index values of the time series Time index values of the time series Returns: An array containing the estimated parameters tau_0_hat and sigma_2_hat, first entry is tau_0_hat, second entry is sigma_2_hat ------- None. ''' # obtain initial value for tau_0 tau_initial_value = tau_estimation(y= y, t = t) # obtain initial value for sifma_2_0 sigma_2_initial_value = np.var(y) # obtain MLE optim_res = minimize(n_ll_unevenly_spaced_ar1, x0=[np.log(tau_initial_value), np.log(sigma_2_initial_value)], args=(y,t), method='nelder-mead', options={'xatol': 1e-10, 'disp': False, 'maxiter': 1000}) # transform back parameters theta_hat = np.exp(optim_res.x) return theta_hat
[docs]def ar1_sim_geneva(n, tau_0=5, sigma_2_0=2, seed=123, p=1, evenly_spaced = False, delta_t_dist = "exponential", param = 1): """ Generate a time series of length n from an autoregressive process of order 1 with evenly/unevenly spaced time points. Parameters ---------- n : integer The length of the time series tau_0 : float Time decay parameter of the AR(1) model ($\phi = e^{-\tau}$) sigma_2_0 : float Variance of the innovations seed : integer Random seed for reproducible results. p : integer Parameter specifying the number of time series to generate evenly_spaced : boolean if True, delta_t (spacing between time points) is a vector of 1, if False, delta_t is generated from various distribution (exponential, pareto, poisson and random choice). delta_t_dist : str the distribution that generates the delta_t possible choices include 'exponential', 'poisson', 'pareto', or 'random_choice' param : distributional parameter(s) Returns ------- A tuple of 2 arrays y_sim : n x p NumPy array matrix of simulated AR(1) vectors t_sim : n x p NumPy array matrix of corresponding time axes See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.ar1_fit_ml : Maximumum likelihood estimate of AR(1) parameters pyleoclim.utils.tsmodel.time_increments : Generate time increment vector according to a specific probability model """ # declare two array to save the values and the time index y_sim = np.empty(shape=(n, p)) t_sim = np.empty(shape=(n, p)) # generate p time series for j in np.arange(p): if evenly_spaced: delta_t = [1]*n # for now we assume delta_t = 1 if evenly sampled, potentially to improve with a parameter that specify the time spacing else: delta_t = time_increments(n, param, delta_t_dist = "exponential", seed = seed+j) # obtain the 0-based time index from the delta_t distribution t = np.cumsum(delta_t)-1 # create empty vector y = np.empty(n) # generate unevenly spaced AR(1) np.random.seed(seed+j) z = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=n) y[0] = z[0] for i in range(1,n): delta_i = t[i] - t[i-1] phi_i = np.exp(-delta_i / tau_0) sigma_2_i = sigma_2_0 * (1-pow(phi_i, 2)) sigma_i = np.sqrt(sigma_2_i) y[i] = phi_i * y[i-1] + sigma_i * z[i] t_sim[:, j] = t y_sim[:, j] = y return y_sim, t_sim
[docs]def time_increments(n, param, delta_t_dist = "exponential", seed = 12345): ''' Generate a time increment vector according to a specific probability model Parameters ---------- n: integer The length of the time series seed: integer Random seed for reproducible results. delta_t_dist: str the probability distribution of delta_t possible choices include 'exponential', 'poisson', 'pareto', or 'random_choice' if 'exponential', `param` is expected to be a single scale parameter (traditionally denoted \lambda) if 'poisson', `param` is expected to be a single parameter (rate) if 'pareto', expects a 2-list with 2 scalar shape & scale parameters (in that order) if 'random_choice', expects a 2-list containing the arrays: value_random_choice: elements from which the random sample is generated (e.g. [1,2]) prob_random_choice: probabilities associated with each entry value_random_choice (e.g. [.95,.05]) (These two arrays must be of the same size) Returns: ------- delta_t : 1D array of time increments, length n ''' # check for a valid distribution valid_distributions = ["exponential", "poisson", "pareto", "random_choice"] if delta_t_dist not in valid_distributions: raise ValueError("delta_t_dist must be one of: 'exponential', 'poisson', 'pareto', or 'random_choice'.") np.random.seed(seed) param = np.array(param) # coerce array type if delta_t_dist == "exponential": delta_t = np.random.exponential(scale = param, size=n) elif delta_t_dist == "poisson": delta_t = np.random.poisson(lam = param, size = n) + 1 elif delta_t_dist == "pareto": if len(param) != 2: raise ValueError('The Pareto law takes a shape and a scale parameter (in that order) ') else: delta_t = (np.random.pareto(param[0], n) + 1) * param[1] elif delta_t_dist == "random_choice": if len(param)<2 or len(param[0]) != len(param[1]): raise ValueError("value_random_choice and prob_random_choice must have the same size.") delta_t = np.random.choice(param[0], size=n, p=param[1]) return delta_t
# def fBMsim(N=128, H=0.25): # '''Simple method to generate fractional Brownian Motion # Parameters # ---------- # N : int # the length of the simulated time series # H : float # Hurst index, should be in (0, 1). The relationship between H and the scaling exponent beta is # H = (beta-1) / 2 # Returns # ------- # xfBm : array # the simulated fractional Brownian Motion time series # References # ---------- # 1. # 2. # @authors: jeg, fzhu # ''' # assert isinstance(N, int) and N >= 1 # assert H > 0 and H < 1, "H should be in (0, 1)!" # HH = 2 * H # ns = N-1 # number of steps # covariance = np.ones((ns, ns)) # for i in range(ns): # for j in range(i, ns): # x = np.abs(i-j) # covariance[i, j] = covariance[j, i] = (np.abs(x-1)**HH + (x+1)**HH - 2*x**HH) / 2. # w, v = np.linalg.eig(covariance) # A = np.zeros((ns, ns)) # for i in range(ns): # for j in range(i, ns): # A[i, j] = A[j, i] = np.sum(np.sqrt(w) * v[i, :] * v[j, :]) # xi = np.random.randn((ns)) # eta =, xi) # xfBm = np.zeros(N) # xfBm[0] = 0 # for i in range(1, N): # xfBm[i] = xfBm[i-1] + eta[i-1] # return xfBm