Source code for pyleoclim.utils.mapping

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Mapping utilities for geolocated objects, leveraging Cartopy.
__all__ = ['map', 'compute_dist']

import cartopy
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import copy
from itertools import cycle
# matplotlib imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.colors import TwoSlopeNorm
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider import make_axes_locatable

from .plotting import savefig
from .lipdutils import PLOT_DEFAULT, LipdToOntology, CaseInsensitiveDict

[docs]def pick_proj(lat, lon, crit_dist=5000): ''' Pick projection based on the degree of clustering of coordinates. At the moment, returns only one of two options: - 'Robinson' for R > crit_dist - 'Orthographic' for R <= crit_dist Parameters ---------- lat : 1d array latitudes in [-90, 90] lon : 1d array longitudes in (-180, 180] crit_dist : float critical radius. Default: 5000 km Returns ------- proj: str 'Orthographic' or 'Robinson' ''' lon = lon_360_to_180(lon) # convert longitudes to [-180, 180] lat_c, lon_c = centroid_coords(lat,lon) # find coordinates of centroid d = compute_dist(lat_c, lon_c, lat, lon) # computes distances to centroid dmax = np.array(d).max() # find maximum distance if dmax > crit_dist: proj = 'Robinson' else: proj = 'Orthographic' return proj
[docs]def set_proj(projection='Robinson', proj_default=True): """ Set the projection for Cartopy. Parameters ---------- projection : string the map projection. Available projections: 'Robinson' (default), 'PlateCarree', 'AlbertsEqualArea', 'AzimuthalEquidistant','EquidistantConic','LambertConformal', 'LambertCylindrical','Mercator','Miller','Mollweide','Orthographic', 'Sinusoidal','Stereographic','TransverseMercator','UTM', 'InterruptedGoodeHomolosine','RotatedPole','OSGB','EuroPP', 'Geostationary','NearsidePerspective','EckertI','EckertII', 'EckertIII','EckertIV','EckertV','EckertVI','EqualEarth','Gnomonic', 'LambertAzimuthalEqualArea','NorthPolarStereo','OSNI','SouthPolarStereo' proj_default : bool; {True,False} If True, uses the standard projection attributes from Cartopy. Enter new attributes in a dictionary to change them. Lists of attributes can be found in the `Cartopy documentation <>`_. Returns ------- proj : the Cartopy projection object See Also -------- : mapping function making use of the projection """ if proj_default is not True and type(proj_default) is not dict: raise TypeError('The default for the projections should either be provided' + ' as a dictionary or set to True') # Set the projection if projection == 'Robinson': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.Robinson() else: proj = ccrs.Robinson(**proj_default) elif projection == 'PlateCarree': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.PlateCarree() else: proj = ccrs.PlateCarree(**proj_default) elif projection == 'AlbersEqualArea': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea() else: proj = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea(**proj_default) elif projection == 'AzimuthalEquidistant': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.AzimuthalEquidistant() else: proj = ccrs.AzimuthalEquidistant(**proj_default) elif projection == 'EquidistantConic': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.EquidistantConic() else: proj = ccrs.EquidistantConic(**proj_default) elif projection == 'LambertConformal': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.LambertConformal() else: proj = ccrs.LambertConformal(**proj_default) elif projection == 'LambertCylindrical': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.LambertCylindrical() else: proj = ccrs.LambertCylindrical(**proj_default) elif projection == 'Mercator': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.Mercator() else: proj = ccrs.Mercator(**proj_default) elif projection == 'Miller': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.Miller() else: proj = ccrs.Miller(**proj_default) elif projection == 'Mollweide': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.Mollweide() else: proj = ccrs.Mollweide(**proj_default) elif projection == 'Orthographic': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.Orthographic() else: proj = ccrs.Orthographic(**proj_default) elif projection == 'Sinusoidal': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.Sinusoidal() else: proj = ccrs.Sinusoidal(**proj_default) elif projection == 'Stereographic': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.Stereographic() else: proj = ccrs.Stereographic(**proj_default) elif projection == 'TransverseMercator': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.TransverseMercator() else: proj = ccrs.TransverseMercator(**proj_default) elif projection == 'TransverseMercator': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.TransverseMercator() else: proj = ccrs.TransverseMercator(**proj_default) elif projection == 'UTM': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.UTM() else: proj = ccrs.UTM(**proj_default) elif projection == 'UTM': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.UTM() else: proj = ccrs.UTM(**proj_default) elif projection == 'InterruptedGoodeHomolosine': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.InterruptedGoodeHomolosine() else: proj = ccrs.InterruptedGoodeHomolosine(**proj_default) elif projection == 'RotatedPole': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.RotatedPole() else: proj = ccrs.RotatedPole(**proj_default) elif projection == 'OSGB': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.OSGB() else: proj = ccrs.OSGB(**proj_default) elif projection == 'EuroPP': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.EuroPP() else: proj = ccrs.EuroPP(**proj_default) elif projection == 'Geostationary': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.Geostationary() else: proj = ccrs.Geostationary(**proj_default) elif projection == 'NearsidePerspective': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.NearsidePerspective() else: proj = ccrs.NearsidePerspective(**proj_default) elif projection == 'EckertI': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.EckertI() else: proj = ccrs.EckertI(**proj_default) elif projection == 'EckertII': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.EckertII() else: proj = ccrs.EckertII(**proj_default) elif projection == 'EckertIII': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.EckertIII() else: proj = ccrs.EckertIII(**proj_default) elif projection == 'EckertIV': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.EckertIV() else: proj = ccrs.EckertIV(**proj_default) elif projection == 'EckertV': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.EckertV() else: proj = ccrs.EckertV(**proj_default) elif projection == 'EckertVI': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.EckertVI() else: proj = ccrs.EckertVI(**proj_default) elif projection == 'EqualEarth': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.EqualEarth() else: proj = ccrs.EqualEarth(**proj_default) elif projection == 'Gnomonic': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.Gnomonic() else: proj = ccrs.Gnomonic(**proj_default) elif projection == 'LambertAzimuthalEqualArea': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.LambertAzimuthalEqualArea() else: proj = ccrs.LambertAzimuthalEqualArea(**proj_default) elif projection == 'NorthPolarStereo': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.NorthPolarStereo() else: proj = ccrs.NorthPolarStereo(**proj_default) elif projection == 'OSNI': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.OSNI() else: proj = ccrs.OSNI(**proj_default) elif projection == 'SouthPolarStereo': if proj_default is True: proj = ccrs.SouthPolarStereo() else: proj = ccrs.SouthPolarStereo(**proj_default) else: raise ValueError('Invalid projection type') return proj
[docs]def map(lat, lon, criteria, marker=None, color=None, projection='auto', proj_default=True, crit_dist = 5000, background=True, borders=False, rivers=False, lakes=False, figsize=None, ax=None, scatter_kwargs=None, legend=True, legend_title=None, lgd_kwargs=None, savefig_settings=None): """ Map the location of all lat/lon according to some criteria DEPRECATED: use scatter_map() instead Map the location of all lat/lon according to some criteria. Based on functions defined in the Cartopy package. Parameters ---------- lat : list a list of latitudes. lon : list a list of longitudes. criteria : list a list of unique criteria for plotting purposes. For instance, a map by the types of archive present in the dataset or proxy observations. Should have the same length as lon/lat. marker : list a list of possible markers for each criterion. If None, will use pyleoclim default color : list a list of possible colors for each criterion. If None, will use pyleoclim default projection : string the map projection. Available projections: 'Robinson' (default), 'PlateCarree', 'AlbertsEqualArea', 'AzimuthalEquidistant','EquidistantConic','LambertConformal', 'LambertCylindrical','Mercator','Miller','Mollweide','Orthographic', 'Sinusoidal','Stereographic','TransverseMercator','UTM', 'InterruptedGoodeHomolosine','RotatedPole','OSGB','EuroPP', 'Geostationary','NearsidePerspective','EckertI','EckertII', 'EckertIII','EckertIV','EckertV','EckertVI','EqualEarth','Gnomonic', 'LambertAzimuthalEqualArea','NorthPolarStereo','OSNI','SouthPolarStereo' By default, projection == 'auto', so the projection will be picked based on the degree of clustering of the sites. proj_default : bool If True, uses the standard projection attributes. Enter new attributes in a dictionary to change them. Lists of attributes can be found in the `Cartopy documentation <>`_. crit_dist : float critical radius for projection choice. Default: 5000 km Only active if projection == 'auto' background : bool If True, uses a shaded relief background (only one available in Cartopy) borders : bool Draws the countries border. Defaults is off (False). rivers : bool Draws major rivers. Default is off (False). lakes : bool Draws major lakes. Default is off (False). figsize : list the size for the figure ax: axis,optional Return as axis instead of figure (useful to integrate plot into a subplot) scatter_kwargs : dict Dictionary of arguments available in `matplotlib.pyplot.scatter <>`_. legend : bool Whether the draw a legend on the figure legend_title : str Use this instead of a dynamic range for legend lgd_kwargs : dict Dictionary of arguments for `matplotlib.pyplot.legend <>`_. savefig_settings : dict Dictionary of arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.saveFig. - "path" must be specified; it can be any existed or non-existed path, with or without a suffix; if the suffix is not given in "path", it will follow "format" - "format" can be one of {"pdf", "eps", "png", "ps"} Returns ------- ax: The figure, or axis if ax specified See Also -------- pyleoclim.utils.mapping.set_proj : Set the projection for Cartopy-based maps pyleoclim.utils.mapping.pick_proj : pick the projection type based on the degree of clustering of coordinates """ # Take care of duplicate legends def legend_without_duplicate_labels(ax): handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() unique = [(h, l) for i, (h, l) in enumerate(zip(handles, labels)) if l not in labels[:i]] ax.legend(*zip(*unique), **lgd_kwargs) # Check that the lists have the same length and convert to numpy arrays if len(lat) != len(lon) or len(lat) != len(criteria) or len(lon) != len(criteria): raise ValueError("Latitude, Longitude, and criteria list must be the same" + \ "length") # Check that the default is set to True or in dictionary format if proj_default is not True and type(proj_default) is not dict: raise TypeError('The default for the projections should either be provided' + ' as a dictionary or set to True') # handle dict defaults savefig_settings = {} if savefig_settings is None else savefig_settings.copy() scatter_kwargs = {} if scatter_kwargs is None else scatter_kwargs.copy() lgd_kwargs = {} if lgd_kwargs is None else lgd_kwargs.copy() if marker is not None: if 'marker' in scatter_kwargs.keys(): print('marker has been set as a parameter to the map_all function, overriding scatter_kwargs') del scatter_kwargs['marker'] if type(marker) == list and len(marker) != len(criteria): raise ValueError('The marker vector should have the same length as the lat/lon/criteria vector') if color is not None: if 'facecolor' in scatter_kwargs.keys(): print('facecolor has been set as a parameter to the map_all function, overriding scatter_kwargs') del scatter_kwargs['facecolor'] if type(color) == list and len(color) != len(criteria): raise ValueError('The color vector should have the same length as the lon/lat/criteria vector') # Prepare scatter information if 's' in scatter_kwargs.keys(): if type(scatter_kwargs['s']) == list and len(scatter_kwargs['s']) != len(criteria): raise ValueError('If s is a list, it should have the same length as lon/lat/criteria') else: scatter_kwargs['s'] = None if 'edgecolors' in scatter_kwargs.keys(): if type(scatter_kwargs['edgecolors']) == list and len(scatter_kwargs['edgecolors']) != len(criteria): raise ValueError('If edgecolors is a list, it should have the same length as lon/lat/criteria') else: scatter_kwargs['edgecolors'] = None symbols = pd.DataFrame({'criteria': criteria, 'color': color, 'marker': marker, 's': scatter_kwargs['s'], 'edgecolors': scatter_kwargs['edgecolors']}) # delete extra scatter_kwargs del scatter_kwargs['s'] del scatter_kwargs['edgecolors'] # get the projection: if projection == 'auto': projection = pick_proj(lat, lon, crit_dist=crit_dist) proj = set_proj(projection=projection, proj_default=proj_default) if proj_default == True: clat, clon = centroid_coords(lat, lon) proj1 = {'central_latitude': clat, 'central_longitude': clon} proj2 = {'central_latitude': clat} proj3 = {'central_longitude': clon} proj4 = {} try: proj = set_proj(projection=projection, proj_default=proj1) except: try: proj = set_proj(projection=projection, proj_default=proj3) except: try: proj = set_proj(projection=projection, proj_default=proj2) except: proj = set_proj(projection=projection, proj_default=proj4) data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() # Make the figure if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, subplot_kw=dict(projection=proj)) # draw the coastlines ax.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE) # Background if background is True: ax.stock_img() # Other extra information if borders is True: ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS) if lakes is True: ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAKES) if rivers is True: ax.add_feature(cfeature.RIVERS) # Get the indexes by criteria if legend_title is not None: for index, crit in enumerate(criteria): ax.scatter(np.array(lon)[index], np.array(lat)[index], zorder=10, label=legend_title, transform=data_crs, marker=symbols['marker'].iloc[index], color=symbols['color'].iloc[index], s=symbols['s'].iloc[index], edgecolors='white', # edgecolors= symbols['edgecolors'].iloc[index], **scatter_kwargs) else: for index, crit in enumerate(criteria): ax.scatter(np.array(lon)[index], np.array(lat)[index], zorder=10, label=crit, transform=data_crs, marker=symbols['marker'].iloc[index], color=symbols['color'].iloc[index], s=symbols['s'].iloc[index], edgecolors='white', # edgecolors= symbols['edgecolors'].iloc[index], **scatter_kwargs) if legend == True: # ax.legend(**lgd_kwargs) legend_without_duplicate_labels(ax) else: ax.legend().remove() if 'fig' in locals(): if 'path' in savefig_settings: savefig(fig, settings=savefig_settings) return fig, ax else: return ax
def make_df(geo_ms, hue=None, marker=None, size=None, cols=None, d=None): try: geo_series_list = geo_ms.series_list except: geo_series_list = [geo_ms] lats = [ for geos in geo_series_list] lons = [geos.lon for geos in geo_series_list] traits = [hue, marker, size] if type(cols) == list: traits += cols value_d = {'lat': lats, 'lon': lons} for trait in traits: # trait_d.keys(): # trait = trait_d[trait_key] if trait != None: if trait == 'archiveType': trait_vals = [] for geos in geo_series_list: if trait in geos.__dict__.keys(): try: trait_vals.append(LipdToOntology(geos.__dict__[trait]).lower().replace(" ","")) except: trait_vals.append(None) else: trait_vals.append(None) #trait_vals = [LipdToOntology(geos.__dict__[trait]).lower().replace(" ","") if trait in geos.__dict__.keys() else None for geos in # geo_series_list] else: trait_vals = [geos.__dict__[trait] if trait in geos.__dict__.keys() else None for geos in geo_series_list] value_d[trait] = [trait_val if trait_val != 'None' else None for trait_val in trait_vals] geos_df = pd.DataFrame(value_d) if type(d) == dict: for trait in d.keys(): if type(d[trait]) in [list, np.ndarray]: if len(d[trait]) == len(geos_df): geos_df[trait] = d[trait] return geos_df
[docs]def scatter_map(geos, hue='archiveType', size=None, marker='archiveType', edgecolor='k', proj_default=True, projection='auto', crit_dist=5000, background=True, borders=False, coastline=True, rivers=False, lakes=False, ocean=True, land=True, figsize=None, scatter_kwargs=None, gridspec_kwargs=None, extent='global', lgd_kwargs=None, legend=True, colorbar=True, cmap=None, fig=None, gs_slot=None, **kwargs): ''' Parameters ---------- geos : Pandas DataFrame, GeoSeries, MultipleGeoSeries, required If a Pandas DataFrame, expects 'lat' and 'lon' columns hue : string, optional Grouping variable that will produce points with different colors. Can be either categorical or numeric, although color mapping will behave differently in latter case. The default is 'archiveType'. size : string, optional Grouping variable that will produce points with different sizes. Expects to be numeric. Any data without a value for the size variable will be filtered out. The default is None. marker : string, optional Grouping variable that will produce points with different markers. Can have a numeric dtype but will always be treated as categorical. The default is 'archiveType'. edgecolor : color (string) or list of rgba tuples, optional Color of marker edge. The default is 'w'. projection : string the map projection. Available projections: 'Robinson' (default), 'PlateCarree', 'AlbertsEqualArea', 'AzimuthalEquidistant','EquidistantConic','LambertConformal', 'LambertCylindrical','Mercator','Miller','Mollweide','Orthographic', 'Sinusoidal','Stereographic','TransverseMercator','UTM', 'InterruptedGoodeHomolosine','RotatedPole','OSGB','EuroPP', 'Geostationary','NearsidePerspective','EckertI','EckertII', 'EckertIII','EckertIV','EckertV','EckertVI','EqualEarth','Gnomonic', 'LambertAzimuthalEqualArea','NorthPolarStereo','OSNI','SouthPolarStereo' By default, projection == 'auto', so the projection will be picked based on the degree of clustering of the sites. proj_default : bool, optional If True, uses the standard projection attributes. Enter new attributes in a dictionary to change them. Lists of attributes can be found in the `Cartopy documentation <>`_. The default is True. crit_dist : float, optional critical radius for projection choice. Default: 5000 km Only active if projection == 'auto' background : bool, optional If True, uses a shaded relief background (only one available in Cartopy) borders : bool, optional Draws the countries border. Defaults is off (False). rivers : bool, optional Draws major rivers. Default is off (False). lakes : bool, optional Draws major lakes. Default is off (False). figsize : list or tuple, optional Size for the figure scatter_kwargs : dict, optional Dict of arguments available in `seaborn.scatterplot <>`_. Dictionary of arguments available in `matplotlib.pyplot.scatter <>`_. legend : bool, optional Whether the draw a legend on the figure. Default is True. colorbar : bool, optional Whether the draw a colorbar on the figure if the data associated with hue are numeric. Default is True. lgd_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of arguments for `matplotlib.pyplot.legend <>`_. savefig_settings : dict, optional Dictionary of arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.saveFig. - "path" must be specified; it can be any existed or non-existed path, with or without a suffix; if the suffix is not given in "path", it will follow "format" - "format" can be one of {"pdf", "eps", "png", "ps"} extent : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 'global'. cmap : string or list, optional Matplotlib supported colormap id or list of colors for creating a colormap. See `choosing a matplotlib colormap <>`_. The default is None. fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional See matplotlib.pyplot.figure <>_. The default is None. gs_slot : Gridspec slot, optional If generating a map for a multi-plot, pass a gridspec slot. The default is None. gridspec_kwargs : dict, optional Function assumes the possibility of a colorbar, map, and legend. A list of floats associated with the keyword `width_ratios` will assume the first (index=0) is the relative width of the colorbar, the second to last (index = -2) is the relative width of the map, and the last (index = -1) is the relative width of the area for the legend. For information about Gridspec configuration, refer to `Matplotlib documentation <>_. The default is None. kwargs: dict, optional - 'missing_val_hue', 'missing_val_marker', 'missing_val_label' can all be used to change the way missing values are represented ('k', '?', are default hue and marker values will be associated with the label: 'missing'). - 'hue_mapping' and 'marker_mapping' can be used to submit dictionaries mapping hue values to colors and marker values to markers. Does not replace passing a string value for hue or marker. Raises ------ TypeError DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- TYPE fig, dictionary of ax objects which includes the as many as three items: 'cb' (colorbar ax), 'map' (scatter map), and 'leg' (legend ax) See Also -------- pyleoclim.utils.mapping.set_proj : Set the projection for Cartopy-based maps pyleoclim.utils.mapping.pick_proj : pick the projection type based on the degree of clustering of coordinates ''' def keep_center_colormap(cmap, vmin, vmax, center=0): vmin = vmin - center vmax = vmax - center vdelta = max([.2 * abs(vmin), .2 * abs(vmax)]) vmax = vmax + .2 * vdelta vmin = vmin - .2 * vdelta dv = max(-vmin, vmax) * 2 N = int(256 * dv / (vmax - vmin)) cont_map = cm.get_cmap(cmap, N) newcolors = cont_map(np.linspace(0, 1, N)) beg = int((dv / 2 + vmin) * N / dv) end = N - int((dv / 2 - vmax) * N / dv) newmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(newcolors[beg:end]) return newmap def make_scalar_mappable(cmap=None, hue_vect=None, n=None, norm_kwargs=None): if type(hue_vect) in [np.ndarray, pd.Series, list]: ax_cmap = None ax_norm = None if type(norm_kwargs) != dict: norm_kwargs = {} if 'vcenter' not in norm_kwargs.keys(): norm_kwargs['vcenter'] = 0 if 'clip' not in norm_kwargs.keys(): norm_kwargs['clip'] = False if np.any((norm_kwargs['vcenter'] < max(hue_vect)) | (norm_kwargs['vcenter'] > min(hue_vect))) == True: if cmap is None: cmap = 'vlag' # ax_cmap = keep_center_colormap(cmap, min(hue_vect), max(hue_vect), center=0) ax_norm = mpl.colors.CenteredNorm( **norm_kwargs) # vcenter=0, clip=False)#TwoSlopeNorm(0, vmin=min(hue_vect), vmax=max(hue_vect)) # else: ax_norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(hue_vect), vmax=max(hue_vect), clip=False) if cmap is None: cmap = 'viridis' if ax_cmap is None: if type(cmap) == list: if n is None: ax_cmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("MyCmapName", cmap) else: ax_cmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("MyCmapName", cmap, N=n) elif type(cmap) == str: if n is None: ax_cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) else: ax_cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap, n) else: print('what madness is this?') ax_sm = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=ax_norm, cmap=ax_cmap) return ax_sm # def make_df(geo_ms, hue=None, marker=None, size=None, cols=None): # try: # geo_series_list = geo_ms.series_list # except: # geo_series_list = [geo_ms] # lats = [ for geos in geo_series_list] # lons = [geos.lon for geos in geo_series_list] # # trait_d = {'hue': hue, 'marker': marker, 'size': size} # traits = [hue, marker, size] # if type(cols) == list: # traits += cols # value_d = {'lat': lats, 'lon': lons} # for trait in traits:#trait_d.keys(): # # trait = trait_d[trait_key] # if trait != None: # trait_vals = [geos.__dict__[trait] if trait in geos.__dict__.keys() else None for geos in # geo_series_list] # value_d[trait] = [trait_val if trait_val != 'None' else None for trait_val in trait_vals] # geos_df = pd.DataFrame(value_d) # return geos_df def plot_scatter(df=None, x=None, y=None, hue_var=None, size_var=None, marker_var=None, edgecolor='w', ax=None, ax_d=None, proj=None, scatter_kwargs=None, legend=True, lgd_kwargs=None, colorbar=True, fig=None, #gs_slot=None, cmap=None, **kwargs): scatter_kwargs = {} if type(scatter_kwargs) != dict else scatter_kwargs lgd_kwargs = {} if type(lgd_kwargs) != dict else lgd_kwargs norm_kwargs = kwargs.pop('norm_kwargs', {}) #plot_defaults = copy.copy(PLOT_DEFAULT) f = copy.copy(PLOT_DEFAULT) plot_defaults = CaseInsensitiveDict() for key, value in f.items(): plot_defaults[key]=value palette = None hue_norm = None ax_sm = None _df = df if len(_df) == 1: _df = _df.reindex() ax_leg, ax_cb = None, None if type(ax_d) == dict: if 'map' in ax_d.keys(): ax = ax_d['map'] if 'cb' in ax_d.keys(): ax_cb = ax_d['cb'] if 'leg' in ax_d.keys(): ax_leg = ax_d['leg'] else: ax_d = {} if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot() transform=ccrs.PlateCarree() # if type(ax) == cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes: # transform=ccrs.PlateCarree() # if proj is not None: # scatter_kwargs['transform'] = ccrs.PlateCarree()#proj # else: # scatter_kwargs['transform'] = ccrs.PlateCarree() missing_d = {'hue': kwargs['missing_val_hue'] if 'missing_val_hue' in kwargs else 'k', 'marker': kwargs['missing_val_marker'] if 'missing_val_marker' in kwargs else r'$?$', 'size': kwargs['missing_val_size'] if 'missing_val_size' in kwargs else 200, 'label': kwargs['missing_val_label'] if 'missing_val_label' in kwargs else 'missing', } missing_val = missing_d['label'] if 'edgecolor' not in scatter_kwargs: scatter_kwargs['edgecolor'] = edgecolor hue_var = hue_var if hue_var in _df.columns else None marker_var = marker_var if marker_var in _df.columns else None size_var = size_var if size_var in _df.columns else None trait_vars = [trait_var for trait_var in [hue_var, marker_var, size_var] if ((trait_var != None) and (trait_var in _df.columns))] for trait_var in trait_vars: if type(_df[trait_var]) == pd.Series: _df[trait_var] = _df[trait_var].fillna(missing_val) else: if _df[trait_var] in [None, 'None']: _df[trait_var] = missing_val if size_var == None: scatter_kwargs['s'] = scatter_kwargs['s'] if 's' in scatter_kwargs else missing_d['size'] else: sizes = [size_val for size_val in _df[size_var].values if size_val != missing_val] if len(sizes) < 2: scatter_kwargs['s'] = scatter_kwargs['s'] if 's' in scatter_kwargs else missing_d['size'] size_var = None else: # if size does vary, filter out missing values; at present no strategy to depict missing size values _df = _df[_df[size_var] != missing_val] scatter_kwargs['sizes'] = (20, 200) if 'sizes' not in scatter_kwargs else scatter_kwargs['sizes'] scatter_kwargs['size_norm'] = scatter_kwargs['size_norm'] if 'size_norm' in scatter_kwargs else (_df[size_var].min(), _df[size_var].max()) trait_vars = [trait_var for trait_var in [hue_var, marker_var, size_var] if trait_var != None] # mapping between marker styles and marker values # the difference between '.' and 'o' is a matter of size, so can't use both when size is a variable if size_var != None: marker_selection = [marker for marker in Line2D.filled_markers if marker not in ['.', 'o', '', ' ', 'none', 'None']] else: marker_selection = [marker for marker in Line2D.filled_markers if marker not in ['.', '', ' ', 'none', 'None']] # check if a mapping has been prescribed trait2marker = None if 'marker_mapping' in kwargs: trait2marker = kwargs['marker_mapping'] elif marker_var == 'archiveType': trait2marker = {key: value[1] for key, value in plot_defaults.items()} if type(trait2marker) == dict: residual_traits = [trait for trait in _df[marker_var].unique() if trait not in trait2marker.keys()] # +set(['missing']) residual_markers = [marker for marker in marker_selection if marker not in trait2marker.values()] for trait in residual_traits: trait2marker[trait] = residual_markers.pop() for key in trait2marker: if type(trait2marker[key]) == str: if trait2marker[key] == missing_d['marker']: print('default symbol for missing values used in mapping') try: trait2marker[key] = mpl.markers.MarkerStyle(trait2marker[key], fillstyle=None) except: pass m_cycle = cycle(marker_selection) if ((marker_var != None) and (type(trait2marker) != dict)): if len(_df[marker_var].unique()) > 1: trait2marker = {trait_val: next(m_cycle) for ik, trait_val in enumerate(_df[marker_var].unique())} if ((type(marker_var) == str) and (type(trait2marker) == dict)): # with missing values assigned '?' trait2marker['missing'] = missing_d['marker'] scatter_kwargs['markers'] = trait2marker residual_traits = [trait for trait in _df[marker_var].unique() if trait not in trait2marker.keys()] if len(residual_traits) > 0: print(residual_traits) # use hue mapping if supplied if 'hue_mapping' in kwargs: palette = kwargs['hue_mapping'] elif hue_var == 'archiveType': palette = {key: value[0] for key, value in plot_defaults.items()} colorbar = False elif type(hue_var) == str: hue_data = _df[_df[hue_var] != missing_val] if cmap != None: palette = cmap if len(hue_data[hue_var]) > 0: trait_val_types = [True if type(val) in (np.str_, str) else False for val in hue_data[hue_var]] if True in trait_val_types: colorbar = False if len(hue_data[hue_var].unique()) < 20: palette = 'tab20' else: if palette is None: palette = 'viridis' ax_sm = make_scalar_mappable(cmap=palette, hue_vect=None, n=len(hue_data[hue_var].unique()), norm_kwargs = norm_kwargs) palette = ax_sm.cmap else: if ((type(palette) in [str, list]) or (palette == None)): ax_sm = make_scalar_mappable(cmap=palette, hue_vect=hue_data[hue_var], norm_kwargs = norm_kwargs) palette = ax_sm.cmap hue_norm = ax_sm.norm # .autoscale(hue_data[hue_var]) if ((type(hue_var) == str) and (type(palette) == dict)): residual_traits = [trait for trait in _df[hue_var].unique() if trait not in palette.keys()] if len(residual_traits) > 0: print(residual_traits) # to get missing hue values to be missing value color (contrary to palette for available values) # we plot all data with missing color, collect legend information, # then plot data with available hue over it, collect the legend information again and recompose the legend if type(hue_var) == str: scatter_kwargs['zorder'] = 13 hue_data = _df[_df[hue_var] == missing_val] if len(hue_data)> 0: sns.scatterplot(data=hue_data, x=x, y=y, hue=hue_var, size=size_var, style=marker_var, transform=transform, #change to transform=scatter_kwargs['transform'] palette=[missing_d['hue'] for ik in range(len(hue_data))], ax=ax, **scatter_kwargs) missing_handles, missing_labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() else: missing_handles, missing_labels=[],[] scatter_kwargs['zorder'] = 14 hue_data = _df[_df[hue_var] != missing_val] if hue_norm is not None: scatter_kwargs['hue_norm'] = hue_norm sns.scatterplot(data=hue_data, x=x, y=y, hue=hue_var, size=size_var,transform=transform, #change to transform=scatter_kwargs['transform'] style=marker_var, palette=palette, ax=ax, **scatter_kwargs) else: scatter_kwargs['zorder'] = 13 scatter_kwargs['c'] = missing_d['hue'] sns.scatterplot(data=_df, x=x, y=y, hue=hue_var, size=size_var, transform=transform, #change to transform=scatter_kwargs['transform'] style=marker_var, ax=ax, **scatter_kwargs) missing_handles, missing_labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if len(l) == 0: legend = False if legend == True: han = copy.copy(h[0]) han.set_alpha(0) blank_handle = han # find breakpoint between first plotting and overplotting breakpoint = len(missing_labels) available_handles = h[breakpoint:] available_labels = l[breakpoint:] for pair in [(available_handles, available_labels), (missing_handles, missing_labels)]: pair_h, pair_l = pair[0], pair[1] if len(pair_l) > 0: if pair_l[0] not in trait_vars: pair_l.insert(0, [trait_var for trait_var in set(trait_vars) if trait_var != None][0]) pair_h.insert(0, blank_handle) # legend has one section for each trait but ax.get_legend_handles_labels() yields straight lists # This code reorganizes legend information hierarchically starting with available and adding values # from missing as needed d_leg = {} for pair in [(available_handles, available_labels), (missing_handles, missing_labels)]: pair_h, pair_l = pair[0], pair[1] for ik, label in enumerate(pair_l): if label in trait_vars: key = label if label not in d_leg.keys(): d_leg[key] = {'labels': [], 'handles': []} else: try: # first pass at sig figs approach to number formatting _label = np.format_float_positional(np.float16(pair_l[ik]), unique=True, precision=2) except: try: _label = LipdToOntology(pair_l[ik]) except: _label = pair_l[ik] if _label not in d_leg[key]['labels']: d_leg[key]['labels'].append(_label) d_leg[key]['handles'].append(pair_h[ik]) if ((colorbar==True) and (hue_var in d_leg.keys()) and (ax_sm is not None)): if ax_cb != None: plt.colorbar(ax_sm, cax=ax_cb, orientation='vertical', label=hue_var, fraction=.6, shrink=.4) ax_cb.yaxis.set_label_position('left') ax_cb.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') else: plt.colorbar(ax_sm, ax=ax, orientation='vertical', label=hue_var, shrink=.6) # ,label=colorbar_units, if len(d_leg.keys()) == 1: ax.legend().remove() legend=False ax_leg.remove() ax_d.pop('leg', None) else: d_leg.pop(hue_var, None) if legend == True: # Finally rebuild legend in single list with formatted section headers handles, labels = [], [] headers = True if ((len(d_leg) == 1) and ('label' in d_leg.keys())): headers = False headers = lgd_kwargs.pop('headers', headers) for key in d_leg: han = copy.copy(h[0]) han.set_alpha(0) if headers == True: handles.append(han) # labels.append('$\\bf{}$'.format('{' + key + '}')) labels.append(key) tmp_labels, tmp_handles = [], [] tmp_labels_missing, tmp_handles_missing = [], [] for ik, label in enumerate(d_leg[key]['labels']): if label == 'missing': tmp_labels_missing.append(label) tmp_handles_missing.append(d_leg[key]['handles'][ik]) else: tmp_labels.append(label) tmp_handles.append(d_leg[key]['handles'][ik]) tmp_labels += tmp_labels_missing tmp_handles += tmp_handles_missing handles += tmp_handles labels += tmp_labels handles.append(han) labels.append('') if 'loc' not in lgd_kwargs: lgd_kwargs['loc'] = 'upper left' if 'bbox_to_anchor' not in lgd_kwargs: lgd_kwargs['bbox_to_anchor'] = (-.1,1)#(1, 1) built_legend = ax_leg.legend(handles, labels, **lgd_kwargs) if headers == True: for _text in built_legend.get_texts(): if _text._text in d_leg.keys(): _text.set_weight('bold') ax_leg.add_artist(built_legend) ax_leg.set_axis_off() ax.legend().remove() if colorbar == False: ax_cb.remove() ax_d.pop('cb', None) else: ax.legend().remove() ax_d.pop('cb', None) ax_d.pop('leg', None) for _ax in [ax_cb, ax_leg]: if type(_ax) != None: _ax.remove() # a little squirrely that this function might return different types if len(ax_d) >0:#== dict: if 'map' in ax_d.keys(): ax_d['map'] = ax if 'cb' in ax_d.keys(): ax_d['cb'] = ax_cb if 'leg' in ax_d.keys(): ax_d['leg'] = ax_leg return fig, ax_d else: return fig, {'map':ax} ###### End of plot_scatter # from ..core.multiplegeoseries import MultipleGeoSeries # from ..core.geoseries import GeoSeries # if geos is not if type(geos) != pd.DataFrame:#in [MultipleGeoSeries, GeoSeries]: df = make_df(geos, hue=hue, marker=marker, size=size) elif type(geos) == pd.DataFrame: df = geos if hue not in df.columns: hue = None if marker not in df.columns: marker = None gridspec_kwargs = {} if type(gridspec_kwargs) != dict else gridspec_kwargs scatter_kwargs = {} if type(scatter_kwargs) != dict else scatter_kwargs # scatter_kwargs['transform'] = ccrs.PlateCarree() lgd_kwargs = {} if type(lgd_kwargs) != dict else lgd_kwargs if proj_default is not True and type(proj_default) is not dict: raise TypeError('The default for the projections should either be provided' + ' as a dictionary or set to True') # get the projection if projection == 'auto': projection = pick_proj(df['lat'].values, df['lon'].values, crit_dist=crit_dist) if figsize == None: if projection == 'Robinson': figsize = (18,6) if projection == 'Orthographic': figsize = (16,6) # set the projection proj = set_proj(projection=projection, proj_default=proj_default) if proj_default == True: clat, clon = centroid_coords(df['lat'].values, df['lon'].values) proj1 = {'central_latitude': clat, 'central_longitude': clon} proj2 = {'central_latitude': clat} proj3 = {'central_longitude': clon} try: proj = set_proj(projection=projection, proj_default=proj1) except: try: proj = set_proj(projection=projection, proj_default=proj3) except: proj = set_proj(projection=projection, proj_default=proj2) if fig == None: if figsize == None: figsize = (18, 7) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax_d = {} # use subgridspecs to encourage the slot for the map to have an aspect ratio closer to that of the projection if gs_slot == None: _gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1)#, **gridspec_kwargs) gs_slot = _gs[0] if projection == 'Robinson': gs_sub = gs_slot.subgridspec(1, 3) gs_subslot = gs_sub[0,:] elif projection == 'Orthographic': gs_sub = gs_slot.subgridspec(3, 6) gs_subslot = gs_sub[:, 1:5] else: gs_subslot = gs_slot num_subplots = 1+legend+colorbar if 'width_ratios' in gridspec_kwargs: if len(gridspec_kwargs['width_ratios']) < num_subplots: print('Please respecify gridspec width_ratios. Reverting to defaults.') gridspec_kwargs['width_ratios'] = [.7, 16, 6] else: gridspec_kwargs['width_ratios'] = [.7, 16, 6] gridspec_kwargs['width_ratios'] = gridspec_kwargs['width_ratios'] if 'width_ratios' in gridspec_kwargs else [.7,.05,16, 5] gs = gs_subslot.subgridspec(1, len(gridspec_kwargs['width_ratios']), **gridspec_kwargs) ax_d['cb'] = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax_d['map'] = fig.add_subplot(gs[-2], projection=proj) ax_d['leg'] = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1]) # draw the coastlines # ax_d['map'].add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE, linewidths=(.5,)) # Background if background is True: ax_d['map'].stock_img() # Other extra information feature_d = {'borders':borders, 'lakes':lakes, 'rivers':rivers, 'land':land, 'ocean':ocean, 'coastline':coastline} feature_d = {key:(value if type(value)==dict else {}) for key, value in feature_d.items() if value !=False } feature_spec_defaults = {'borders':dict(alpha=.5, linewidths=(.5,)), 'lakes':dict(alpha=0.25), 'rivers': {}, 'land':dict(alpha=0.5), 'ocean':dict(alpha=0.25), 'coastline':dict(linewidths=(.5,))} for key in feature_d.keys(): feature_spec_defaults[key].update(feature_d[key]) feature_types = {'borders':cfeature.BORDERS, 'coastline':cfeature.COASTLINE, 'lakes':cfeature.LAKES, 'rivers':cfeature.RIVERS, 'land':cfeature.LAND, 'ocean':cfeature.OCEAN} for feature in feature_d.keys(): ax_d['map'].add_feature(feature_types[feature], **feature_spec_defaults[feature]) if extent == 'global': ax_d['map'].set_global() elif isinstance(extent, list) and len(extent)==4: ax_d['map'].set_extent(extent,crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) x = 'lon' y = 'lat' _, ax_d = plot_scatter(df=df, x=x, y=y, hue_var=hue, size_var=size, marker_var=marker, ax_d=ax_d, proj=None, edgecolor=edgecolor, cmap=cmap, scatter_kwargs=scatter_kwargs, legend=legend, lgd_kwargs=lgd_kwargs, **kwargs) # , **kwargs) return fig, ax_d
[docs]def dist_sphere(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): """Uses the haversine formula to calculate distance on a sphere Parameters ---------- lat1: float Latitude of the first point, in radians lon1: float Longitude of the first point, in radians lat2: float Latitude of the second point, in radians lon2: float Longitude of the second point, in radians Returns ------- dist: float The distance between the two point in km """ R = 6371 # km. Earth's radius dlat = lat2 - lat1 dlon = lon2 - lon1 a = np.sin(dlat / 2) ** 2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon / 2) ** 2 c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a)) dist = R * c return float(dist)
[docs]def compute_dist(lat_r, lon_r, lat_c, lon_c): """ Computes the distance in (km) between a reference point and an array of other coordinates. Parameters ---------- lat_r: float The reference latitude, in deg lon_r: float The reference longitude, in deg lat_c: list A list of latitudes for the comparison points, in deg lon_c: list A list of longitudes for the comparison points, in deg See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.mapping.dist_sphere: calculate distance on a sphere Returns ------- dist: list A list of distances in km. """ dist = [] lon_c = lon_360_to_180(np.array(lon_c)) lon_r = lon_360_to_180(np.array(lon_r)) for idx, val in enumerate(lat_c): lat1 = np.radians(lat_r) lon1 = np.radians(lon_r) lat2 = np.radians(val) lon2 = np.radians(lon_c[idx]) dist.append(dist_sphere(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)) return dist
[docs]def within_distance(distance, radius): """ Returns the index of the records that are within a certain distance Parameters ---------- distance: list A list containing the distance radius: float The radius to be considered Returns ------- idx: list a list of index """ idx = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(distance) if val <= radius] return idx
def lon_360_to_180(x): return (x + 180) % 360 - 180 def lon_180_to_360(x): return x % 360 def centroid_coords(lat,lon, true_centroid=False): ''' Computes the centroid of the geographic coordinates via Shapely. If there aren't enough vertices to form a polygon (4), then the arithmetic mean of the coordinates is returned. h/t Tim Roberts, via StackOverflow: Parameters ---------- lat : 1d array latitudes in [-90, 90] lon : 1d array longitudes in (-180, 180] true_centroid : boolean if True, computes a true centroid, otherwise a representative point, which is guaranteed to lie within the polygon. See Also -------- Returns ------- clat, clon : coordinates of the centroid ''' lon = lon_360_to_180(np.array(lon)) lat = np.array(lat) if len(lon) >= 4: p = Polygon([(x, y) for (x,y) in zip(lon,lat)]) if true_centroid: clat = p.centroid.y; clon = p.centroid.x else: clat = p.representative_point().y clon = p.representative_point().x else: clat = lat.mean() clon = lon.mean() return clat, clon