Source code for pyleoclim.core.surrogateseries

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
SurrogateSeries is a child of MultipleSeries, designed for Monte Carlo tests 

from ..core.multipleseries import MultipleSeries

supported_surrogates = frozenset(['ar1sim','phaseran']) # broadcast all supported surrogates as global variable, for exception handling

[docs]class SurrogateSeries(MultipleSeries): ''' Object containing surrogate timeseries, usually obtained through recursive modeling (e.g., AR(1)) Surrogate Series is a child of MultipleSeries. All methods available for MultipleSeries are available for surrogate series. EnsembleSeries would be a more logical choice, but it creates circular imports that break the package. ''' def __init__(self, series_list, label, surrogate_method=None, surrogate_args=None): self.series_list = series_list self.surrogate_method = surrogate_method self.surrogate_args = surrogate_args # refine the display name if surrogate_method == 'ar1sim': self.label = str(label or "series") + " surrogates [AR(1)]" elif surrogate_method == 'phaseran': self.label = str(label or "series") + " surrogates [phase-randomized]" else: raise ValueError('Surrogate method should either be "ar1sim" or "phaseran"')