Source code for pyleoclim.utils.jsonutils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module converts Pyleoclim objects to and from JSON files. 

Useful for obtaining a human-readable output and keeping the results of an analysis. The JSON file can also be used to swap analysis results between programming languages. 

These utilities are maintained on an as-needed basis and that not all objects are currently available.

__all__ =['PyleoObj_to_json', 'json_to_PyleoObj', 'isPyleoclim']

import pyleoclim as pyleo
import numpy as np
import inspect
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen
import re

[docs]def isPyleoclim(obj): ''' Check whether an object is a valid type for Pyleoclim ui object Parameters ---------- obj : pyleoclim.core.ui Object from the Pyleoclim UI module Returns ------- Bool : {True,False} ''' class_names=[] for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(pyleo.core): if inspect.isclass(ob): class_names.append(ob) return type(obj) in class_names
[docs]def PyleoObj_to_dict(obj): '''Transform a pyleoclim object into a dictionary. The transformation ensures that all the objects are JSON serializable (i.e. all numpy arrays have been converted to lists.) Parameters ---------- obj : A pyleoclim object from the UI module Returns ------- s : dict A JSON-encodable dictionary See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.jsonutils.isPyleoclim : Whether an object is a valid Pyleoclim object ''' if isinstance(obj,(dict)): s=obj else: s=vars(obj) for k in s.keys(): #print(k) if isinstance(s[k],(np.ndarray)): s[k] = s[k].astype('float64').tolist() elif isinstance(s[k],(dict)): s[k]=PyleoObj_to_dict(s[k]) elif isPyleoclim(s[k])==True: s[k]=PyleoObj_to_dict(s[k]) elif isinstance(s[k],(list)): if isPyleoclim(s[k][0])==True: new_list=[] for item in s[k]: new_list.append(PyleoObj_to_dict(item)) s[k]=new_list return s
[docs]def PyleoObj_to_json(obj, filename): '''Serializes a Pyleoclim object into a JSON file Parameters ---------- obj : pyleoclim.core.ui A Pyleoclim object from the UI module filename : str Filename or path to save the JSON to. Returns ------- None See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.jsonutils.PyleoObj_to_dict : Encodes a Pyleoclim UI object into a dictionary that is JSON serializable ''' s = PyleoObj_to_dict(obj) with open(filename,'w') as f: json.dump(s, f) f.close()
[docs]def open_json(filename): '''Open a json file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the json file or URL Returns ------- t : dict A Python dictionary from the json ''' regex = re.compile( r'^(?:http|ftp)s?://' # http:// or https:// r'(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\.?)|' #domain... r'localhost|' #localhost... r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' # ...or ip r'(?::\d+)?' # optional port r'(?:/?|[/?]\S+)$', re.IGNORECASE) if (re.match(regex, filename) is not None)==True: response = urlopen(filename) t = json.loads( else: with open(filename,'r') as f: t=json.load(f) return t
[docs]def objname_to_obj(objname): '''Returns the correct obj type for the name of a Pyleoclim UI object Parameters ---------- objname : str Name of the object (e.g., Series, Scalogram, MultipleSeries...) Raises ------ ValueError If the name of the object is not valid Returns ------- obj : pyleoclim.core.ui A valid Pyleoclim object for the UI module ''' possible_objects={'Series':pyleo.core.Series, 'PSD':pyleo.core.PSD, 'Scalogram':pyleo.core.Scalogram, 'Coherence':pyleo.core.Coherence, 'MultipleSeries':pyleo.core.MultipleSeries, 'SurrogateSeries':pyleo.core.SurrogateSeries, 'EnsembleSeries':pyleo.core.EnsembleSeries, 'MultiplePSD':pyleo.core.MultiplePSD, 'MultipleScalogram':pyleo.core.MultipleScalogram, 'Corr':pyleo.core.Corr, 'CorrEns':pyleo.core.CorrEns, 'SpatialDecomp':pyleo.core.SpatialDecomp, 'SsaRes':pyleo.core.SsaRes, 'Lipd':pyleo.core.Lipd, 'LipdSeries':pyleo.core.LipdSeries } try: obj=possible_objects[objname] except: raise ValueError("The object is not a proper Pyleoclim object") return obj
[docs]def json_to_PyleoObj(filename,objname): '''Reads a JSON serialized file into a Pyleoclim object Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename/path/URL of the JSON-serialized object objname : str Name of the object (e.g., Series, Scalogram, MultipleSeries...) Returns ------- pyleoObj : pyleoclim.core.ui A Pyleoclim UI object See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.jsonutils.open_json : open a json file from a local source or URL pyleoclim.utils.jsonutils.objename_to_obj : create a valid Pyleoclim object from a string ''' obj = objname_to_obj(objname) a = open_json(filename) for k in a.keys(): if k == 'timeseries' or k == 'timeseries1' or k == 'timeseries2': try: a[k]=pyleo.Series(**a[k]) except: # get rid of LiPD del a[k]['plot_default'] del a[k]['lipd_ts'] a[k]=pyleo.Series(**a[k]) if k == 'psd_list': for idx,item in enumerate(a[k]): if item['timeseries'] is not None: item['timeseries'] = pyleo.Series(**item['timeseries']) a[k][idx] = pyleo.PSD(**a[k][idx]) if k == 'scalogram_list': for idx,item in enumerate(a[k]): if item['timeseries'] is not None: item['timeseries'] = pyleo.Series(**item['timeseries']) a[k][idx] = pyleo.Scalogram(**a[k][idx]) if k == 'signif_qs' and a[k] is not None: if obj==pyleo.core.PSD: for idx,item in enumerate(a[k]['psd_list']): if item['timeseries'] is not None: item['timeseries'] = pyleo.Series(**item['timeseries']) a[k]['psd_list'][idx]=pyleo.PSD(**a[k]['psd_list'][idx]) a[k] = pyleo.MultiplePSD(**a[k]) elif obj == pyleo.core.Scalogram: for idx,item in enumerate(a[k]['scalogram_list']): if item['timeseries'] is not None: item['timeseries'] = pyleo.Series(**item['timeseries']) a[k]['scalogram_list'][idx]=pyleo.Scalogram(**a[k]['scalogram_list'][idx]) a[k] = pyleo.MultipleScalogram(**a[k]) elif obj == pyleo.core.Coherence: for idx,item in enumerate (a[k]): for idx2,item2 in enumerate(item['scalogram_list']): if item2['timeseries'] is not None: item2['timeseries'] = pyleo.Series(**item2['timeseries']) item['scalogram_list'][idx2]=pyleo.Scalogram(**item['scalogram_list'][idx2]) a[k][idx] = pyleo.MultipleScalogram(**a[k][idx]) if k == 'signif_scals' and a[k] is not None: for idx,item in enumerate(a[k]['scalogram_list']): if item['timeseries'] is not None: item['timeseries'] = pyleo.Series(**item['timeseries']) a[k]['scalogram_list'][idx]=pyleo.Scalogram(**a[k]['scalogram_list'][idx]) a[k] = pyleo.MultipleScalogram(**a[k]) pyleoObj=obj(**a) return pyleoObj