Source code for pyleoclim.core.scalograms

# It is unclear why the documentation for these two modules does not build automatically using automodule. It therefore had to be built using autoclass

from ..utils import plotting, lipdutils, tsutils
from ..utils import wavelet as waveutils

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from tabulate import tabulate
from copy import deepcopy

from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, FormatStrFormatter #, MaxNLocator
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes

from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles

#from ..core import MultipleScalogram
def infer_period_unit_from_time_unit(time_unit):
    ''' infer a period unit based on the given time unit

    if time_unit is None:
        period_unit = None
        unit_group = lipdutils.timeUnitsCheck(time_unit)
        if unit_group != 'unknown':
            if unit_group == 'kage_units':
                period_unit = 'kyrs'
                period_unit = 'yrs'
            if time_unit[-1] == 's':
                period_unit = time_unit
                period_unit = f'{time_unit}s'

    return period_unit

[docs]class Scalogram: ''' The Scalogram class is analogous to PSD, but for wavelet spectra (scalograms). ''' def __init__(self, frequency, scale, time, amplitude, coi=None, label=None, Neff_threshold=3, wwz_Neffs=None, timeseries=None, wave_method=None, wave_args=None, signif_qs=None, signif_method=None, freq_method=None, freq_kwargs=None, scale_unit=None, time_label=None, signif_scals=None, qs = None): ''' Parameters ---------- frequency : array The frequency axis scale : array The scale axis time : array The time axis amplitude : array The amplitude at each (frequency, time) point; note the dimension is assumed to be (frequency, time) coi : array Cone of influence label : str Label for the Series Neff_threshold : int The threshold of the number of effective samples wwz_Neffs : array The matrix of effective number of points in the time-scale coordinates obtained from wwz timeseries : pyleoclim.Series A copy of the timeseries for which the scalogram was obtained wave_method: str The method used to obtain the scalogram wave_args: dict The parameters values of the wavelet method qs : list Quantiles at which significance levels were evaluated & exported signif_qs : dict MultipleScalogram object containing the quantiles qs of the surrogate scalogram distribution signif_method: str The method used to obtain the significance level freq_method: str The method used to obtain the frequency vector freq_kwargs: dict Arguments for the frequency vector scale_unit: str Units for the scale axis time_label: str Label for the time axis signif_scals: pyleoclim.MultipleScalogram A list of the scalogram from the AR1 MC significance testing. Useful when obtaining a PSD. ''' self.frequency = np.array(frequency) self.scale = np.array(scale) self.time = np.array(time) self.amplitude = np.array(amplitude) if coi is not None: self.coi = np.array(coi) else: self.coi = waveutils.make_coi(self.time, Neff_threshold=Neff_threshold) self.label = label self.timeseries = timeseries self.wave_method = wave_method if wave_args is not None: if 'freq' in wave_args.keys(): wave_args['freq'] = np.array(wave_args['freq']) if 'tau' in wave_args.keys(): wave_args['tau'] = np.array(wave_args['tau']) self.wave_args = wave_args self.signif_qs = signif_qs self.qs = qs self.signif_method = signif_method self.freq_method = freq_method self.freq_kwargs = freq_kwargs self.signif_scals = signif_scals self.conf = None #if wave_method == 'wwz': if wwz_Neffs is None: self.wwz_Neffs = wwz_Neffs else: self.wwz_Neffs=np.array(wwz_Neffs) if scale_unit is not None: self.scale_unit = scale_unit elif timeseries is not None: self.scale_unit = infer_period_unit_from_time_unit(timeseries.time_unit) else: self.scale_unit = None if time_label is not None: self.time_label = time_label elif timeseries is not None: if timeseries.time_unit is not None: self.time_label = f'{timeseries.time_name} [{timeseries.time_unit}]' else: self.time_label = f'{timeseries.time_name}' else: self.time_label = None
[docs] def copy(self): '''Copy object Returns ------- scal : pyleoclim.core.scalograms.Scalogram The copied version of the pyleoclim.Scalogram object Examples -------- .. ipython:: python :okwarning: :okexcept: import pyleoclim as pyleo import pandas as pd ts=pd.read_csv('',skiprows = 1) series = pyleo.Series(time = ts['Year'],value = ts['Value'], time_name = 'Years', time_unit = 'AD') scalogram = series.wavelet() scalogram_copy = scalogram.copy() ''' return deepcopy(self)
def __str__(self): table = { 'Frequency': self.frequency, 'Time': self.time, 'Amplitude': self.amplitude, } msg = print(tabulate(table, headers='keys')) return f'Dimension: {np.size(self.frequency)} x {np.size(self.time)}'
[docs] def plot(self, variable = 'amplitude', in_scale=True, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, ylim=None, xlim=None, yticks=None, figsize=[10, 8], signif_clr='white', signif_linestyles='-', signif_linewidths=1, contourf_style={}, cbar_style={}, plot_cb=True, savefig_settings={}, ax=None, signif_thresh = 0.95): ''' Plot the scalogram Parameters ---------- in_scale : bool, optional Plot the in scale instead of frequency space. The default is True. variable : {'amplitude','power'} Whether to plot the amplitude or power. Default is amplitude xlabel : str, optional Label for the x-axis. The default is None. ylabel : str, optional Label for the y-axis. The default is None. title : str, optional Title for the figure. The default is 'default', which auto-generates a title. ylim : list, optional Limits for the y-axis. The default is None. xlim : list, optional Limits for the x-axis. The default is None. yticks : list, optional yticks label. The default is None. figsize : list, optional Figure size The default is [10, 8]. signif_clr : str, optional Color of the singificance line. The default is 'white'. signif_thresh: float in [0, 1] Significance threshold. Default is 0.95. If this quantile is not found in the qs field of the Coherence object, the closest quantile will be picked. signif_linestyles : str, optional Linestyle of the significance line. The default is '-'. signif_linewidths : float, optional Width for the significance line. The default is 1. contourf_style : dict, optional Arguments for the contour plot. The default is {}. cbar_style : dict, optional Arguments for the colarbar. The default is {}. savefig_settings : dict, optional saving options for the figure. The default is {}. ax : ax, optional Matplotlib Axis on which to return the figure. The default is None. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure the figure object from matplotlib See [matplotlib.pyplot.figure]( for details. ax : matplotlib.axis the axis object from matplotlib See [matplotlib.axes]( for details. See also -------- pyleoclim.core.series.Series.wavelet : Wavelet analysis pyleoclim.utils.plotting.savefig : Saving figure in Pyleoclim Examples -------- .. ipython:: python :okwarning: :okexcept: import pyleoclim as pyleo import pandas as pd ts=pd.read_csv('',skiprows = 1) series = pyleo.Series(time = ts['Year'],value = ts['Value'], time_name = 'Years', time_unit = 'AD') scalogram = series.wavelet() @savefig scal_basic.png fig,ax = scalogram.plot() pyleo.closefig(fig) ''' contourf_args = {'cmap': 'magma', 'origin': 'lower', 'levels': 11} contourf_args.update(contourf_style) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) if in_scale: y_axis = 1/self.frequency if ylabel is None: ylabel = f'Scale [{self.scale_unit}]' if self.scale_unit is not None else 'Scale' if yticks is None: yticks_default = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 1e4, 2e4, 5e4, 1e5, 2e5, 5e5, 1e6]) mask = (yticks_default >= np.min(y_axis)) & (yticks_default <= np.max(y_axis)) yticks = yticks_default[mask] else: y_axis = self.frequency if ylabel is None: ylabel = f'Frequency [1/{self.scale_unit}]' if self.scale_unit is not None else 'Frequency' if variable == 'amplitude': cont = ax.contourf(self.time, y_axis, self.amplitude.T, **contourf_args) elif variable =='power': cont = ax.contourf(self.time, y_axis, self.amplitude.T**2, **contourf_args) else: raise ValueError('Variable should be either "amplitude" or "power"') ax.set_yscale('log') # assign filled contour data to the scalogram object self.conf = cont # plot colorbar if plot_cb is True: cbar_args = {'drawedges': False, 'orientation': 'vertical', 'fraction': 0.15, 'pad': 0.05, 'label': variable.capitalize()} cbar_args.update(cbar_style) cb = plt.colorbar(cont, ax=ax, **cbar_args) # plot cone of influence if self.coi is not None: ax.plot(self.time, self.coi, 'k--') if yticks is not None: ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%g')) if title is None: if self.label is not None: ax.set_title(self.label + " scalogram (" + self.wave_method.upper() + ")") else: ax.set_title("Scalogram (" + self.wave_method.upper() + ")") else: ax.set_title(title) if ylim is None: ylim = [np.min(y_axis), np.min([np.max(y_axis), np.max(self.coi)])] ax.fill_between(self.time, self.coi, np.max(self.coi), color='white', alpha=0.5) # plot significance levels if self.signif_qs is not None: signif_method_label = { 'ar1': 'AR(1)', } if signif_thresh not in self.qs: isig = np.abs(np.array(self.qs) - signif_thresh).argmin() print("Significance threshold {:3.2f} not found in qs. Picking the closest, which is {:3.2f}".format(signif_thresh,self.qs[isig])) else: isig = self.qs.index(signif_thresh) signif_scal = self.signif_qs.scalogram_list[isig] signif_boundary = self.amplitude.T / signif_scal.amplitude.T ax.contour( self.time, y_axis, signif_boundary, [-99, 1], colors=signif_clr, linestyles=signif_linestyles, linewidths=signif_linewidths, ) if title is None: if self.label is not None: ax.set_title(self.label + " scalogram (" + self.wave_method.upper() + ") with " + str(round(self.qs[isig]*100))+"% threshold") else: ax.set_title(self.wave_method.upper() + " scalogram with " + str(round(self.qs[isig]*100))+"% threshold") else: ax.set_title(title) if xlabel is None: xlabel = self.time_label if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) if 'fig' in locals(): if 'path' in savefig_settings: plotting.savefig(fig, settings=savefig_settings) return fig, ax else: return ax
[docs] def signif_test(self, method='ar1sim', number=None, seed=None, qs=[0.95], settings=None, export_scal = False): ''' Significance test for scalograms Parameters ---------- method : {'ar1asym', 'ar1sim'} Method to use to generate the surrogates. ar1sim uses simulated timeseries with similar persistence. ar1asym represents the theoretical, closed-form solution. The default is ar1sim number : int Number of surrogates to generate for significance analysis based on simulations. The default is 200. seed : int, optional Set the seed for the random number generator. Useful for reproducibility The default is None. qs : list, optional Significane level to consider. The default is [0.95]. settings : dict, optional Parameters for the model. The default is None. export_scal : bool; {True,False} Whether or not to export the scalograms used in the noise realizations. Note: For the wwz method, the scalograms used for wavelet analysis are slightly different than those used for spectral analysis (different decay constant). As such, this functionality should be used only to expedite exploratory analysis. Raises ------ ValueError qs should be a list with at least one value. Returns ------- new : pyleoclim.core.scalograms.Scalogram A new Scalogram object with the significance level See also -------- pyleoclim.core.series.Series.wavelet : Wavelet analysis pyleoclim.core.scalograms.MultipleScalogram : MultipleScalogram object pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.tc_wave_signif : Asymptotic significance calculation Examples -------- Generating scalogram, running significance tests, and saving the output for future use in generating psd objects or in summary_plot() .. ipython:: python :okwarning: :okexcept: import pyleoclim as pyleo import pandas as pd ts=pd.read_csv('',skiprows = 1) series = pyleo.Series(time = ts['Year'],value = ts['Value'], time_name = 'Years', time_unit = 'AD') By setting export_scal to True, the noise realizations used to generate the significance test will be saved. These come in handy for generating summary plots and for running significance tests on spectral objects. .. ipython:: python :okwarning: :okexcept: scalogram = series.wavelet().signif_test(number=2, export_scal=True) ''' if self.wave_method == 'wwz' and method == 'ar1asym': raise ValueError('Asymptotic solution is not supported for the wwz method') if method not in ['ar1sim', 'ar1asym']: raise ValueError("The available methods are ar1sim'and 'ar1asym'") if method == 'ar1sim': if hasattr(self,'signif_scals'): signif_scals = self.signif_scals #Allow for a few different configurations of passed number of signif tests, default behavior is to set number = 200 if number is None and signif_scals is not None: number = len(signif_scals.scalogram_list) elif number is None and signif_scals is None: number = 200 elif number == 0: return self new = self.copy() if signif_scals: scalogram_list = signif_scals.scalogram_list #If signif_scals already in scalogram object are more than those requested for significance testing, use as many of them as required if len(scalogram_list) > number: surr_scal = MultipleScalogram(scalogram_list=scalogram_list[:number]) #If number is the same as the length of signif_scals, just use signif_scals elif len(scalogram_list) == number: surr_scal = signif_scals #If the number is more than the length of signif_scals, reuse what is available and calculate the rest elif len(scalogram_list) < number: number -= len(scalogram_list) surr_scal_tmp = [] surr_scal_tmp.extend(scalogram_list) surr = self.timeseries.surrogates(number=number, seed=seed, method=method, settings=settings) surr_scal_tmp.extend(surr.wavelet(method=self.wave_method, settings=self.wave_args).scalogram_list) surr_scal = MultipleScalogram(scalogram_list=surr_scal_tmp) else: surr = self.timeseries.surrogates(number=number, seed=seed, method=method, settings=settings) surr_scal = surr.wavelet(method=self.wave_method, settings=self.wave_args) if type(qs) is not list: raise TypeError('qs should be a list') new.signif_qs = surr_scal.quantiles(qs=qs) if export_scal == True: new.signif_scals = surr_scal elif method == 'ar1asym': new = self.copy() if type(qs) is not list: raise TypeError('qs should be a list') settings = {} if settings is None else settings.copy() ys = tsutils.preprocess(self.timeseries.value, self.timeseries.time, detrend=False, sg_kwargs=None, gaussianize=self.wave_args['gaussianize'], standardize=self.wave_args['standardize']) signif_levels=waveutils.tc_wave_signif(ys, self.timeseries.time, self.wave_args['scale'], self.wave_args['mother'], self.wave_args['param'], qs=qs, **settings) #Create a scalogram for each of the significance levels ms_base =[] for idx, item in enumerate(signif_levels): label = str(int(qs[idx]*100))+'%' # expand signif = item[:, np.newaxis].dot(np.ones(len(self.timeseries.value))[np.newaxis, :]) s = Scalogram(frequency=self.frequency, time =self.time, scale = self.scale, amplitude = signif.T, label=label) ms_base.append(s) new.signif_qs = MultipleScalogram(ms_base) new.signif_method = method new.qs = qs return new
[docs]class MultipleScalogram: '''MultipleScalogram objects are used to store the results of significance testing for wavelet analysis ''' def __init__(self, scalogram_list): ''' Multiple Scalogram objects. This object is mainly used to store the results of wavelet significance testing in the signif_qs arguments of wavelet. See also -------- pyleoclim.core.scalograms.Scalogram : Scalogram object pyleoclim.core.series.Series.wavelet : Wavelet analysis pyleoclim.core.scalograms.Scalogram.signif_test : Significance testing for wavelet analysis ''' self.scalogram_list = scalogram_list
[docs] def copy(self): ''' Copy the object See also -------- pyleoclim.core.scalograms.Scalogram.copy : Scalogram object copy ''' return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def quantiles(self, qs=[0.05, 0.5, 0.95]): '''Calculate quantiles Parameters ---------- qs : list, optional List of quantiles to consider for the calculation. The default is [0.05, 0.5, 0.95]. Raises ------ ValueError Frequency axis not consistent across the PSD list! Value Error Time axis not consistent across the scalogram list! Returns ------- scals : pyleoclim.core.scalograms.MultipleScalogram ''' freq = np.copy(self.scalogram_list[0].frequency) scale = np.copy(self.scalogram_list[0].scale) time = np.copy(self.scalogram_list[0].time) coi = np.copy(self.scalogram_list[0].coi) amps = [] for scal in self.scalogram_list: if not np.array_equal(scal.frequency, freq): raise ValueError('Frequency axis not consistent across the scalogram list!') if not np.array_equal(scal.time, time): raise ValueError('Time axis not consistent across the scalogram list!') amps.append(scal.amplitude) amps = np.array(amps) ne, nf, nt = np.shape(amps) amp_qs = np.ndarray(shape=(np.size(qs), nf, nt)) for i in range(nf): for j in range(nt): amp_qs[:,i,j] = mquantiles(amps[:,i,j], qs) scal_list = [] for i, amp in enumerate(amp_qs): scal_tmp = Scalogram(frequency=freq, time=time, amplitude=amp, scale = scale, coi=coi, label=f'{qs[i]*100:g}%') scal_list.append(scal_tmp) scals = MultipleScalogram(scalogram_list=scal_list) return scals