
Tutorials (and functional science examples) for Pyleoclim exist in the form of:

  • Jupyter Notebooks, which are found on the following repositories:

    • PyleoTutorials contains notebooks demonstrating simple workflows with Pyleoclim:

      • Loading data from different formats into Pyleoclim objects

      • Basic plotting and time series manipulation

      • Timeseries analysis such as spectral analysis, wavelet analysis, coherence, singular spectrum analysis, paleo-aware correlation

    • PaleoBooks will contain more advanced scientific workflows featuring Pyleoclim. Check for updates in 2023.

    • Pyleoclim paper notebooks highlights three scientific case studies featuring Pyleoclim.

    • PaleoHackathon notebooks (contact the crew for solutions).

  • The LinkedEarth YouTube Channel.

If you still have questions, please see our Discourse forum.