Source code for pyleoclim.utils.wavelet

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utilities for wavelet analysis, including Weighted Wavelet Z-transform (WWZ) 
and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) à la Torrence & Compo 1998.

Includes multiple options for WWZ (Fortran via f2py, numba, multiprocessing) 
and enables cross-wavelet transform with either WWZ or CWT. 

Designed for NumPy arrays, either evenly spaced or not (method-dependent)

__all__ = [

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool
import numba as nb
from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
import warnings
import collections
import scipy.fftpack as fft
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.optimize import fminbound
from scipy.special._ufuncs import gamma, gammainc

from .tsutils import preprocess
from .tsbase import (
from .tsmodel import(ar1_fit, ar1_sim)

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)

#Wrapper functions

#Main Functions

class AliasFilter(object):
    '''Performing anti-alias filter on a psd

    experimental: Use at your own risk

    @author: fzhu

    def alias_filter(self, freq, pwr, fs, fc, f_limit, avgs):
        ''' anti_alias filter


        freq : array
            vector of frequencies in power spectrum
        pwr : array
            vector of spectral power corresponding to frequencies "freq"
        fs : float
            sampling frequency
        fc : float
            corner frequency for 1/f^2 steepening of power spectrum
        f_limit : float
            lower frequency limit for estimating misfit of model-plus-alias spectrum vs. measured power
        avgs : int
            flag for whether spectrum is derived from instantaneous point measurements (avgs<>1)
            OR from measurements averaged over each sampling interval (avgs==1)


        alpha : float
            best-fit exponent of power-law model
        filtered_pwr : array
            vector of alias-filtered spectral power
        model_pwr : array
            vector of modeled spectral power
        aliased_pwr : array
            vector of modeled spectral power, plus aliases


        Kirchner, J. W. Aliasing in 1/f(alpha) noise spectra: origins, consequences, and remedies.
        Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 71, 66110 (2005).

        log_pwr = np.log(pwr)
        freq_mask = (freq > f_limit)*1  # convert True & False to 1 & 0

        alpha_upper_bound = 5

        if avgs == 1:
            alpha_lower_bound = -2.9  # if measurements are time-averaged
            alpha_lower_bound = -0.9  # if measurements are point samples

        alpha = optimize.fminbound(self.misfit, alpha_lower_bound, alpha_upper_bound,
                                   args=(fs, fc, freq, log_pwr, freq_mask, avgs), xtol=1e-4)

        model_pwr, aliased_pwr, RMSE = self.alias(alpha, fs, fc, freq, log_pwr, freq_mask, avgs)
        filtered_pwr = pwr * model_pwr / aliased_pwr

        return alpha, filtered_pwr, model_pwr, aliased_pwr

    def misfit(self, alpha, fs, fc, freq, log_pwr, freq_mask, avgs):
        model, aliased_pwr, RMSE = self.alias(alpha, fs, fc, freq, log_pwr, freq_mask, avgs)
        return RMSE

    def alias(self, alpha, fs, fc, freq, log_pwr, freq_mask, avgs):
        model_pwr = self.model(alpha, fs, fc, freq, avgs)
        aliased_pwr = np.copy(model_pwr)
        if avgs == 1:
            aliased_pwr = aliased_pwr * np.sinc(freq/fs) ** 2

        for k in range(1, 11):
            alias_minus = self.model(alpha, fs, fc, k*fs-freq, avgs)
            if avgs == 1:
                alias_minus = alias_minus * np.sinc((k*fs-freq)/fs) ** 2

            aliased_pwr = aliased_pwr + alias_minus

            alias_plus = self.model(alpha, fs, fc, k*fs+freq, avgs)  # notice the + in (k*fs+freq)
            if avgs == 1:
                alias_plus = alias_plus * np.sinc((k*fs+freq)/fs) ** 2

            aliased_pwr = aliased_pwr + alias_plus

        if avgs == 1:
            beta = alpha + 3
            const = 1 / (2*np.pi**2*beta/fs)
            beta = alpha + 1
            const = 1 / (beta*fs)

        zo_minus = (11*fs-freq)**(-beta)
        dz_minus = zo_minus / 20

        for j in range(1, 21):
            aliased_pwr = aliased_pwr + const / ((j*dz_minus)**(2/beta) + 1/fc**2)*dz_minus

        zo_plus = (11*fs+freq)**(-beta)
        dz_plus = zo_plus / 20

        for j in range(1, 21):
            aliased_pwr = aliased_pwr + const / ((j*dz_plus)**(2/beta) + 1/fc**2)*dz_plus

        log_aliased = np.log(aliased_pwr)

        prefactor = np.sum((log_pwr - log_aliased) * freq_mask) / np.sum(freq_mask)

        log_aliased = log_aliased + prefactor
        aliased_pwr = aliased_pwr * np.exp(prefactor)
        model_pwr = model_pwr * np.exp(prefactor)

        RMSE = np.sqrt(np.sum((log_aliased-log_pwr)*(log_aliased-log_pwr)*freq_mask)) / np.sum(freq_mask)

        return model_pwr, aliased_pwr, RMSE

    def model(self, alpha, fs, fc, freq, avgs):
        spectr = freq**(-alpha) / (1 + (freq/fc)**2)

        return spectr

# def cwt(ys,ts,scales,wavelet='morl',sampling_period=1.0,method='conv',axis=-1):
#     '''Continous wavelet transform for evenly spaced data

#     pywavelet documentation:

#     Parameters
#     ----------
#     ys : array
#         signal
#     ts : array
#         time
#     scales : array (float)
#         different wavelet scales to use
#     wavelet : str
#         types of wavelet options in function documentation link. The default is 'morl' for a morlet wavelet.
#     sampling_period : float, optional
#         sampling period for frequencies output. The default is 1.0.
#     method : str, optional
#         cwt computation  method. 'conv','fft'. or 'auto' The default is 'conv'.
#     axis : int, optional
#         axis over which to compute cwt. The default is -1, the last axis.

#     Returns
#     -------
#     res : dictionary
#         'freq' - array(float)
#             frequencies
#         'time' - array(float)
#         'amplitude' - array(float)
#         'coi' - array(float)
#             cone of inference

#     '''
#     coeff,freq=pywt.cwt(data=ys,scales=scales,wavelet=wavelet,sampling_period=sampling_period,method=method,axis=axis)
#     amplitude=abs(coeff).T
#     if wavelet=='morl' or wavelet[:4]=='cmor':
#         coi=make_coi(tau=ts,Neff=6)
#     else:
#         coi=make_coi(tau=ts)
#     Results = collections.namedtuple('Results', ['amplitude','coi', 'freq', 'time', 'coeff'])
#     res = Results(amplitude=amplitude, coi=coi, freq=freq, time=ts, coeff=coeff)
#     return res

def assertPositiveInt(*args):
    ''' Assert that the arguments are all integers larger than unity



    for arg in args:
        assert isinstance(arg, int) and arg >= 1

def wwz_basic(ys, ts, freq, tau, c=1/(8*np.pi**2), Neff_threshold=3, nproc=1, detrend=False, sg_kwargs=None,
              gaussianize=False, standardize=False):
    ''' Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA).

    The Weighted wavelet Z-transform (WWZ) is based on Morlet wavelet estimation, using
    least squares minimization to suppress the energy leakage caused by data gaps.
    WWZ does not rely on interpolation or detrending, and is appropriate for unevenly-spaced datasets.
    In particular, we use the variant of Kirchner & Neal (2013), in which basis rotations mitigate the
    numerical instability that occurs in pathological cases with the original algorithm (Foster, 1996).
    The WWZ method has one adjustable parameter, a decay constant `c` that balances the time and frequency
    resolutions of the analysis. This application uses the larger value 1/(8π^2), justified elsewhere
    (Witt & Schumann, 2005).

    No multiprocessing is applied by Default.


    ys : array
        a time series
    ts : array
        time axis of the time series
    freq : array
        vector of frequency
    tau : array
        the evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis
    c : float
        the decay constant that determines the analytical resolution of frequency for analysis, the smaller the higher resolution;
        the default value 1/(8*np.pi**2) is good for most of the wavelet analysis cases
    Neff_threshold : int
        the threshold of the number of effective degrees of freedom
    nproc :int
        fake argument, just for convenience
    detrend : string
        None - the original time series is assumed to have no trend (default);
        Types of detrending:
        - "linear" : the result of a linear least-squares fit to y is subtracted from y.
        - "constant" : only the mean of data is subtracted.
        - "savitzky-golay" : y is filtered using the Savitzky-Golay filter and the resulting filtered series is subtracted from y.
        - "emd" : Empirical mode decomposition. The last mode is assumed to be the trend and removed from the series
    sg_kwargs : dict
        The parameters for the Savitzky-Golay filter. see pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzy_golay for details.
    gaussianize : bool
        If True, gaussianizes the timeseries
    standardize : bool
        If True, standardizes the timeseries


    wwa : array
        the weighted wavelet amplitude
    phase : array
        the weighted wavelet phase
    Neffs : array
        the matrix of effective number of points in the time-scale coordinates
    coeff : array
        the wavelet transform coefficients (a0, a1, a2)


    - Foster, G. Wavelets for period analysis of unevenly sampled time series. The Astronomical Journal 112, 1709 (1996).
    - Witt, A. & Schumann, A. Y. Holocene climate variability on millennial scales recorded in Greenland ice cores.
    Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 12, 345–352 (2005).
    - Kirchner, J. W. and Neal, C. (2013). Universal fractal scaling in stream chemistry and its implications for solute transport and water quality trend detection. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110:12213–12218.

    See also

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_basic : Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. No multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_numba : Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner using Numba package.

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_f2py : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Uses Fortran. Fastest method but requires a compiler.

    pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzky_golay : Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter.
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.preprocess :  pre-processes a times series using Gaussianization and detrending.
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.detrend : detrending functionalities using 4 possible methods
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.gaussianize_1d: Quantile maps a 1D array to a Gaussian distribution 
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.standardize: Centers and normalizes a given time series.
    assert nproc == 1, "wwz_basic() only supports nproc=1"

    nt = np.size(tau)
    nf = np.size(freq)

    pd_ys = preprocess(ys, ts, detrend=detrend, sg_kwargs=sg_kwargs, gaussianize=gaussianize, standardize=standardize)

    omega = make_omega(ts, freq)

    Neffs = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    ywave_1 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    ywave_2 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    ywave_3 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))

    S = np.zeros(shape=(3, 3))

    for k in range(nf):
        for j in range(nt):
            dz = omega[k] * (ts - tau[j])
            weights = np.exp(-c*dz**2)

            sum_w = np.sum(weights)
            Neffs[j, k] = sum_w**2 / np.sum(weights**2)  # local number of effective dof

            if Neffs[j, k] <= Neff_threshold:
                ywave_1[j, k] = np.nan  # the coefficients cannot be estimated reliably when Neff_loc <= Neff_threshold
                ywave_2[j, k] = np.nan
                ywave_3[j, k] = np.nan
                phi2 = np.cos(dz)
                phi3 = np.sin(dz)

                S[0, 0] = 1
                S[1, 1] = np.sum(weights*phi2*phi2) / sum_w
                S[2, 2] = np.sum(weights*phi3*phi3) / sum_w
                S[1, 0] = S[0, 1] = np.sum(weights*phi2) / sum_w
                S[2, 0] = S[0, 2] = np.sum(weights*phi3) / sum_w
                S[2, 1] = S[1, 2] = np.sum(weights*phi2*phi3) / sum_w

                S_inv = np.linalg.pinv(S)

                weighted_phi1 = np.sum(weights*pd_ys) / sum_w
                weighted_phi2 = np.sum(weights*phi2*pd_ys) / sum_w
                weighted_phi3 = np.sum(weights*phi3*pd_ys) / sum_w

                ywave_1[j, k] = S_inv[0, 0]*weighted_phi1 + S_inv[0, 1]*weighted_phi2 + S_inv[0, 2]*weighted_phi3
                ywave_2[j, k] = S_inv[1, 0]*weighted_phi1 + S_inv[1, 1]*weighted_phi2 + S_inv[1, 2]*weighted_phi3
                ywave_3[j, k] = S_inv[2, 0]*weighted_phi1 + S_inv[2, 1]*weighted_phi2 + S_inv[2, 2]*weighted_phi3

    wwa = np.sqrt(ywave_2**2 + ywave_3**2)
    phase = np.arctan2(ywave_3, ywave_2)
    #  coeff = ywave_2 + ywave_3*1j
    coeff = (ywave_1, ywave_2, ywave_3)

    return wwa, phase, Neffs, coeff

def wwz_nproc(ys, ts, freq, tau, c=1/(8*np.pi**2), Neff_threshold=3, nproc=8, detrend=False, sg_kwargs=None,
              gaussianize=False, standardize=False):
    ''' Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA).

    Original method from Foster (1996). Supports multiprocessing.


    ys : array
        a time series
    ts : array
        time axis of the time series
    freq : array
        vector of frequency
    tau : array
        the evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis
    c : float
        the decay constant that determines the analytical resolution of frequency for analysis, the smaller the higher resolution;
        the default value 1/(8*np.pi**2) is good for most of the wavelet analysis cases
    Neff_threshold : int
        the threshold of the number of effective degrees of freedom [default = 3]
    nproc : int
        the number of processes for multiprocessing [default = 8]
    detrend : string
       False - the original time series is assumed to have no trend; 
       Types of detrending:
       - "linear" : the result of a linear least-squares fit to y is subtracted from y.
       - "constant" : only the mean of data is subtracted.
       - "savitzky-golay" : y is filtered using the Savitzky-Golay filter and the resulting filtered series is subtracted from y.
       - "emd" : Empirical mode decomposition. The last mode is assumed to be the trend and removed from the series
    sg_kwargs : dict
        The parameters for the Savitzky-Golay filter. see pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzy_golay for details.
    gaussianize : bool
        If True, gaussianizes the timeseries
    standardize : bool
        If True, standardizes the timeseries


    wwa : array
        the weighted wavelet amplitude
    phase : array
        the weighted wavelet phase
    Neffs : array
        the matrix of effective number of points in the time-scale coordinates
    coeff : array
        the wavelet transform coefficients (a0, a1, a2)

    See also

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_basic : weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. No multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_basic : weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. No multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_nproc : weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_numba : weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner using Numba package.

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_f2py : weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Uses Fortran. Fastest method but requires a compiler.

    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.preprocess :  pre-processes a times series using Gaussianization and detrending.
    pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzky_golay : Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter.
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.detrend : detrending functionalities 
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.gaussianize_1d: Quantile maps a 1D array to a Gaussian distribution 

    assert nproc >= 2, "wwz_nproc() should use nproc >= 2, if want serial run, please use wwz_basic()"

    nt = np.size(tau)
    nf = np.size(freq)

    pd_ys = preprocess(ys, ts, detrend=detrend, sg_kwargs=sg_kwargs, gaussianize=gaussianize, standardize=standardize)

    omega = make_omega(ts, freq)

    Neffs = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    ywave_1 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    ywave_2 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    ywave_3 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))

    def wwa_1g(tau, omega):
        dz = omega * (ts - tau)
        weights = np.exp(-c*dz**2)

        sum_w = np.sum(weights)
        Neff_loc = sum_w**2 / np.sum(weights**2)

        S = np.zeros(shape=(3, 3))

        if Neff_loc <= Neff_threshold:
            ywave_2_1g = np.nan
            ywave_3_1g = np.nan
            phi2 = np.cos(dz)
            phi3 = np.sin(dz)

            S[0, 0] = 1
            S[1, 1] = np.sum(weights*phi2*phi2) / sum_w
            S[2, 2] = np.sum(weights*phi3*phi3) / sum_w
            S[1, 0] = S[0, 1] = np.sum(weights*phi2) / sum_w
            S[2, 0] = S[0, 2] = np.sum(weights*phi3) / sum_w
            S[2, 1] = S[1, 2] = np.sum(weights*phi2*phi3) / sum_w

            S_inv = np.linalg.pinv(S)

            weighted_phi1 = np.sum(weights*pd_ys) / sum_w
            weighted_phi2 = np.sum(weights*phi2*pd_ys) / sum_w
            weighted_phi3 = np.sum(weights*phi3*pd_ys) / sum_w

            ywave_1_1g = S_inv[0, 0]*weighted_phi1 + S_inv[0, 1]*weighted_phi2 + S_inv[0, 2]*weighted_phi3
            ywave_2_1g = S_inv[1, 0]*weighted_phi1 + S_inv[1, 1]*weighted_phi2 + S_inv[1, 2]*weighted_phi3
            ywave_3_1g = S_inv[2, 0]*weighted_phi1 + S_inv[2, 1]*weighted_phi2 + S_inv[2, 2]*weighted_phi3

        return Neff_loc, ywave_1_1g, ywave_2_1g, ywave_3_1g

    tf_mesh = np.meshgrid(tau, omega)
    list_of_grids = list(zip(*(grid.flat for grid in tf_mesh)))
    tau_grids, omega_grids = zip(*list_of_grids)

    with Pool(nproc) as pool:
        res =, tau_grids, omega_grids)
        res_array = np.asarray(res)
        Neffs = res_array[:, 0].reshape((np.size(omega), np.size(tau))).T
        ywave_1 = res_array[:, 1].reshape((np.size(omega), np.size(tau))).T
        ywave_2 = res_array[:, 2].reshape((np.size(omega), np.size(tau))).T
        ywave_3 = res_array[:, 3].reshape((np.size(omega), np.size(tau))).T

    wwa = np.sqrt(ywave_2**2 + ywave_3**2)
    phase = np.arctan2(ywave_3, ywave_2)
    #  coeff = ywave_2 + ywave_3*1j
    coeff = (ywave_1, ywave_2, ywave_3)

    return wwa, phase, Neffs, coeff

def kirchner_basic(ys, ts, freq, tau, c=1/(8*np.pi**2), Neff_threshold=3, nproc=1, detrend=False, sg_kwargs=None,
                   gaussianize=False, standardize=False):
    ''' Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner.

    Method modified by Kirchner. No multiprocessing.


    ys : array
        a time series
    ts : array
        time axis of the time series
    freq : array
        vector of frequency
    tau : array
        the evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis
    c : float
        the decay constant that determines the analytical resolution of frequency for analysis, the smaller the higher resolution;
        the default value 1/(8*np.pi**2) is good for most of the wavelet analysis cases
    Neff_threshold : int
        the threshold of the number of effective degrees of freedom
    nproc : int
        fake argument for convenience, for parameter consistency between functions, does not need to be specified
    detrend : string
        None - the original time series is assumed to have no trend;
        Types of detrending:
        - "linear" : the result of a linear least-squares fit to y is subtracted from y.
        - "constant" : only the mean of data is subtracted.
        - "savitzky-golay" : y is filtered using the Savitzky-Golay filter and the resulting filtered series is subtracted from y.
        - "emd" : Empirical mode decomposition. The last mode is assumed to be the trend and removed from the series
    sg_kwargs : dict
        The parameters for the Savitzky-Golay filter. see pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzy_golay for details.
    gaussianize : bool
        If True, gaussianizes the timeseries
    standardize : bool
        If True, standardizes the timeseries


    wwa : array
        the weighted wavelet amplitude
    phase : array
        the weighted wavelet phase
    Neffs : array
        the matrix of effective number of points in the time-scale coordinates
    coeff : array
        the wavelet transform coefficients (a0, a1, a2)


    - Foster, G. Wavelets for period analysis of unevenly sampled time series. The Astronomical Journal 112, 1709 (1996).
    - Witt, A. & Schumann, A. Y. Holocene climate variability on millennial scales recorded in Greenland ice cores.
    Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 12, 345–352 (2005).

    See also

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_basic : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. No multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_numba : Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner using Numba package.

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_f2py : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Uses Fortran. Fastest method but requires a compiler.

    pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzky_golay : Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter.
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.preprocess :  pre-processes a times series using Gaussianization and detrending.
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.detrend : detrending functionalities 
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.gaussianize_1d: Quantile maps a 1D array to a Gaussian distribution 

    assert nproc == 1, "wwz_basic() only supports nproc=1"

    nt = np.size(tau)
    nts = np.size(ts)
    nf = np.size(freq)

    pd_ys = preprocess(ys, ts, detrend=detrend, sg_kwargs=sg_kwargs, gaussianize=gaussianize, standardize=standardize)

    omega = make_omega(ts, freq)

    Neffs = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    a0 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    a1 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    a2 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))

    for k in range(nf):
        for j in range(nt):
            dz = omega[k] * (ts - tau[j])
            weights = np.exp(-c*dz**2)

            sum_w = np.sum(weights)
            Neffs[j, k] = sum_w**2 / np.sum(weights**2)  # local number of effective dof

            if Neffs[j, k] <= Neff_threshold:
                a0[j, k] = np.nan  # the coefficients cannot be estimated reliably when Neff_loc <= Neff_threshold
                a1[j, k] = np.nan
                a2[j, k] = np.nan
                def w_prod(xs, ys):
                    return np.sum(weights*xs*ys) / sum_w

                sin_basis = np.sin(omega[k]*ts)
                cos_basis = np.cos(omega[k]*ts)
                one_v = np.ones(nts)

                sin_one = w_prod(sin_basis, one_v)
                cos_one = w_prod(cos_basis, one_v)
                sin_cos = w_prod(sin_basis, cos_basis)
                sin_sin = w_prod(sin_basis, sin_basis)
                cos_cos = w_prod(cos_basis, cos_basis)

                numerator = 2 * (sin_cos - sin_one * cos_one)
                denominator = (cos_cos - cos_one**2) - (sin_sin - sin_one**2)
                time_shift = np.arctan2(numerator, denominator) / (2*omega[k])  # Eq. (S5)

                sin_shift = np.sin(omega[k]*(ts - time_shift))
                cos_shift = np.cos(omega[k]*(ts - time_shift))
                sin_tau_center = np.sin(omega[k]*(time_shift - tau[j]))
                cos_tau_center = np.cos(omega[k]*(time_shift - tau[j]))

                ys_cos_shift = w_prod(pd_ys, cos_shift)
                ys_sin_shift = w_prod(pd_ys, sin_shift)
                ys_one = w_prod(pd_ys, one_v)
                cos_shift_one = w_prod(cos_shift, one_v)
                sin_shift_one = w_prod(sin_shift, one_v)

                A = 2*(ys_cos_shift-ys_one*cos_shift_one)
                B = 2*(ys_sin_shift-ys_one*sin_shift_one)

                a0[j, k] = ys_one
                a1[j, k] = cos_tau_center*A - sin_tau_center*B  # Eq. (S6)
                a2[j, k] = sin_tau_center*A + cos_tau_center*B  # Eq. (S7)

    wwa = np.sqrt(a1**2 + a2**2)
    phase = np.arctan2(a2, a1)
    #  coeff = a1 + a2*1j
    coeff = (a0, a1, a2)

    return wwa, phase, Neffs, coeff

def kirchner_nproc(ys, ts, freq, tau, c=1/(8*np.pi**2), Neff_threshold=3, nproc=8, detrend=False, sg_kwargs=None,
                   gaussianize=False, standardize=False):
    ''' Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner.

    Method modified by kirchner. Supports multiprocessing.


    ys : array
        a time series
    ts : array
        time axis of the time series
    freq : array
        vector of frequency
    tau : array
        the evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis
    c : float
        the decay constant that determines the analytical resolution of frequency for analysis, the smaller the higher resolution;
        the default value 1/(8*np.pi**2) is good for most of the wavelet analysis cases
    Neff_threshold : int
        the threshold of the number of effective degrees of freedom
    nproc : int
        the number of processes for multiprocessing
    detrend : string
        Types of detrending:
        - "linear" : the result of a linear least-squares fit to y is subtracted from y.
        - "constant" : only the mean of data is subtracted.
        - "savitzky-golay" : y is filtered using the Savitzky-Golay filter and the resulting filtered series is subtracted from y.
        - "emd" : Empirical mode decomposition. The last mode is assumed to be the trend and removed from the series
    sg_kwargs : dict
        The parameters for the Savitzky-Golay filter. see pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzy_golay for details.
    gaussianize : bool
        If True, gaussianizes the timeseries
    standardize : bool
        If True, standardizes the timeseries


    wwa (array): the weighted wavelet amplitude
    phase (array): the weighted wavelet phase
    Neffs (array): the matrix of effective number of points in the time-scale coordinates
    coeff (array): the wavelet transform coefficients (a0, a1, a2)

    See also

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_basic : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. No multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_basic : Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. No multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_numba : Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner using Numba package.

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_f2py : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Uses Fortran. Fastest method but requires a compiler.

    pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzky_golay : Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter.
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.preprocess :  pre-processes a times series using Gaussianization and detrending.
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.detrend : detrending functionalities 
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.gaussianize_1d: Quantile maps a 1D array to a Gaussian distribution 

    assert nproc >= 2, "wwz_nproc() should use nproc >= 2, if want serial run, please use wwz_basic()"

    nt = np.size(tau)
    nts = np.size(ts)
    nf = np.size(freq)

    pd_ys = preprocess(ys, ts, detrend=detrend, sg_kwargs=sg_kwargs, gaussianize=gaussianize, standardize=standardize)

    omega = make_omega(ts, freq)

    Neffs = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    a0 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    a1 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    a2 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))

    def wwa_1g(tau, omega):
        dz = omega * (ts - tau)
        weights = np.exp(-c*dz**2)

        sum_w = np.sum(weights)
        Neff_loc = sum_w**2 / np.sum(weights**2)

        if Neff_loc <= Neff_threshold:
            a0_1g = np.nan  # the coefficients cannot be estimated reliably when Neff_loc <= Neff_threshold
            a1_1g = np.nan  # the coefficients cannot be estimated reliably when Neff_loc <= Neff_threshold
            a2_1g = np.nan
            def w_prod(xs, ys):
                return np.sum(weights*xs*ys) / sum_w

            sin_basis = np.sin(omega*ts)
            cos_basis = np.cos(omega*ts)
            one_v = np.ones(nts)

            sin_one = w_prod(sin_basis, one_v)
            cos_one = w_prod(cos_basis, one_v)
            sin_cos = w_prod(sin_basis, cos_basis)
            sin_sin = w_prod(sin_basis, sin_basis)
            cos_cos = w_prod(cos_basis, cos_basis)

            numerator = 2*(sin_cos - sin_one*cos_one)
            denominator = (cos_cos - cos_one**2) - (sin_sin - sin_one**2)
            time_shift = np.arctan2(numerator, denominator) / (2*omega)  # Eq. (S5)

            sin_shift = np.sin(omega*(ts - time_shift))
            cos_shift = np.cos(omega*(ts - time_shift))
            sin_tau_center = np.sin(omega*(time_shift - tau))
            cos_tau_center = np.cos(omega*(time_shift - tau))

            ys_cos_shift = w_prod(pd_ys, cos_shift)
            ys_sin_shift = w_prod(pd_ys, sin_shift)
            ys_one = w_prod(pd_ys, one_v)
            cos_shift_one = w_prod(cos_shift, one_v)
            sin_shift_one = w_prod(sin_shift, one_v)

            A = 2*(ys_cos_shift - ys_one*cos_shift_one)
            B = 2*(ys_sin_shift - ys_one*sin_shift_one)

            a0_1g = ys_one
            a1_1g = cos_tau_center*A - sin_tau_center*B  # Eq. (S6)
            a2_1g = sin_tau_center*A + cos_tau_center*B  # Eq. (S7)

        return Neff_loc, a0_1g, a1_1g, a2_1g

    tf_mesh = np.meshgrid(tau, omega)
    list_of_grids = list(zip(*(grid.flat for grid in tf_mesh)))
    tau_grids, omega_grids = zip(*list_of_grids)

    with Pool(nproc) as pool:
        res =, tau_grids, omega_grids)
        res_array = np.asarray(res)
        Neffs = res_array[:, 0].reshape((np.size(omega), np.size(tau))).T
        a0 = res_array[:, 1].reshape((np.size(omega), np.size(tau))).T
        a1 = res_array[:, 2].reshape((np.size(omega), np.size(tau))).T
        a2 = res_array[:, 3].reshape((np.size(omega), np.size(tau))).T

    wwa = np.sqrt(a1**2 + a2**2)
    phase = np.arctan2(a2, a1)
    #  coeff = a1 + a2*1j
    coeff = (a0, a1, a2)

    return wwa, phase, Neffs, coeff

def kirchner_numba(ys, ts, freq, tau, c=1/(8*np.pi**2), Neff_threshold=3, detrend=False, sg_kwargs=None,
                   gaussianize=False, standardize=False, nproc=1):
    ''' Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner.

    Using numba.


    ys : array
        a time series
    ts : array
        time axis of the time series
    freq : array
        vector of frequency
    tau : array
        the evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis
    c : float
        the decay constant that determines the analytical resolution of frequency for analysis, the smaller the higher resolution;
        the default value 1/(8*np.pi**2) is good for most of the wavelet analysis cases
    Neff_threshold : int
        the threshold of the number of effective degrees of freedom
    nproc : int
        fake argument, just for convenience
    detrend : string
        None - the original time series is assumed to have no trend;
        Types of detrending:
        - "linear" : the result of a linear least-squares fit to y is subtracted from y.
        - "constant" : only the mean of data is subtracted.
        - "savitzky-golay" : y is filtered using the Savitzky-Golay filter and the resulting filtered series is subtracted from y.
        - "emd" : Empirical mode decomposition. The last mode is assumed to be the trend and removed from the series
    sg_kwargs : dict
        The parameters for the Savitzky-Golay filter. see pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzy_golay for details.
    gaussianize : bool
        If True, gaussianizes the timeseries
    standardize : bool
        If True, standardizes the timeseries


    wwa : array
        the weighted wavelet amplitude
    phase : array
        the weighted wavelet phase
    Neffs : array
        the matrix of effective number of points in the time-scale coordinates
    coeff : array
        the wavelet transform coefficients (a0, a1, a2)


    Foster, G. Wavelets for period analysis of unevenly sampled time series. The Astronomical Journal 112, 1709 (1996).
    Witt, A. & Schumann, A. Y. Holocene climate variability on millennial scales recorded in Greenland ice cores.
    Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 12, 345–352 (2005).

    See also

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_basic : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. No multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_basic : Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. No multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_f2py : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Uses Fortran. Fastest method but requires a compiler.

    pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzky_golay : Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter.
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.preprocess :  pre-processes a times series using Gaussianization and detrending.
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.detrend : detrending functionalities 
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.gaussianize_1d: Quantile maps a 1D array to a Gaussian distribution 

    nt = np.size(tau)
    nts = np.size(ts)
    nf = np.size(freq)

    pd_ys = preprocess(ys, ts, detrend=detrend, sg_kwargs=sg_kwargs, gaussianize=gaussianize, standardize=standardize)

    omega = make_omega(ts, freq)

    Neffs = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    a0 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    a1 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))
    a2 = np.ndarray(shape=(nt, nf))

    @nb.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, fastmath=True)
    def loop_over(nf, nt, Neffs, a0, a1, a2):
        def wwa_1g(tau, omega):
            dz = omega * (ts - tau)
            weights = np.exp(-c*dz**2)

            sum_w = np.sum(weights)
            Neff_loc = sum_w**2 / np.sum(weights**2)

            if Neff_loc <= Neff_threshold:
                a0_1g = np.nan  # the coefficients cannot be estimated reliably when Neff_loc <= Neff_threshold
                a1_1g = np.nan  # the coefficients cannot be estimated reliably when Neff_loc <= Neff_threshold
                a2_1g = np.nan
                def w_prod(xs, ys):
                    return np.sum(weights*xs*ys) / sum_w

                sin_basis = np.sin(omega*ts)
                cos_basis = np.cos(omega*ts)
                one_v = np.ones(nts)

                sin_one = w_prod(sin_basis, one_v)
                cos_one = w_prod(cos_basis, one_v)
                sin_cos = w_prod(sin_basis, cos_basis)
                sin_sin = w_prod(sin_basis, sin_basis)
                cos_cos = w_prod(cos_basis, cos_basis)

                numerator = 2*(sin_cos - sin_one*cos_one)
                denominator = (cos_cos - cos_one**2) - (sin_sin - sin_one**2)
                time_shift = np.arctan2(numerator, denominator) / (2*omega)  # Eq. (S5)

                sin_shift = np.sin(omega*(ts - time_shift))
                cos_shift = np.cos(omega*(ts - time_shift))
                sin_tau_center = np.sin(omega*(time_shift - tau))
                cos_tau_center = np.cos(omega*(time_shift - tau))

                ys_cos_shift = w_prod(pd_ys, cos_shift)
                ys_sin_shift = w_prod(pd_ys, sin_shift)
                ys_one = w_prod(pd_ys, one_v)
                cos_shift_one = w_prod(cos_shift, one_v)
                sin_shift_one = w_prod(sin_shift, one_v)

                A = 2*(ys_cos_shift - ys_one*cos_shift_one)
                B = 2*(ys_sin_shift - ys_one*sin_shift_one)

                a0_1g = ys_one
                a1_1g = cos_tau_center*A - sin_tau_center*B  # Eq. (S6)
                a2_1g = sin_tau_center*A + cos_tau_center*B  # Eq. (S7)

            return Neff_loc, a0_1g, a1_1g, a2_1g

        for k in nb.prange(nf):
            for j in nb.prange(nt):
                Neffs[j, k], a0[j, k], a1[j, k], a2[j, k] = wwa_1g(tau[j], omega[k])

        return Neffs, a0, a1, a2

    Neffs, a0, a1, a2 = loop_over(nf, nt, Neffs, a0, a1, a2)

    wwa = np.sqrt(a1**2 + a2**2)
    phase = np.arctan2(a2, a1)
    #  coeff = a1 + a2*1j
    coeff = (a0, a1, a2)

    return wwa, phase, Neffs, coeff

def kirchner_f2py(ys, ts, freq, tau, c=1/(8*np.pi**2), Neff_threshold=3, nproc=8, detrend=False, sg_kwargs=None,
                  gaussianize=False, standardize=False):
    ''' Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner.

    Fastest method. Calls Fortran libraries.


    ys : array
        a time series
    ts : array
        time axis of the time series
    freq : array
        vector of frequency
    tau : array
        the evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis
    c : float
        the decay constant that determines the analytical resolution of frequency for analysis, the smaller the higher resolution;
        the default value 1/(8*np.pi**2) is good for most of the wavelet analysis cases
    Neff_threshold : int
        the threshold of the number of effective degrees of freedom
    nproc : int
        fake argument, just for convenience
    detrend : string
        None - the original time series is assumed to have no trend;
        Types of detrending:
        - "linear" : the result of a linear least-squares fit to y is subtracted from y.
        - "constant" : only the mean of data is subtracted.
        - "savitzky-golay" : y is filtered using the Savitzky-Golay filter and the resulting filtered series is subtracted from y.
        - "emd" : Empirical mode decomposition. The last mode is assumed to be the trend and removed from the series
    sg_kwargs : dict 
        The parameters for the Savitzky-Golay filter. see pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzy_golay for details.
    gaussianize : bool
        If True, gaussianizes the timeseries
    standardize : bool
        If True, standardizes the timeseries


    wwa : array
        the weighted wavelet amplitude
    phase : array
        the weighted wavelet phase
    Neffs : array
        the matrix of effective number of points in the time-scale coordinates
    coeff : array
        the wavelet transform coefficients (a0, a1, a2)

    See also

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_basic : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. No multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_basic : Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. No multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing

    pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_numba : Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner using Numba package.

    pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzky_golay : Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter.
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.preprocess :  pre-processes a times series using Gaussianization and detrending.
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.detrend : detrending functionalities 
    pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.gaussianize_1d: Quantile maps a 1D array to a Gaussian distribution 

    from . import f2py_wwz as f2py
    assertPositiveInt(Neff_threshold, nproc)

    nt = np.size(tau)
    nts = np.size(ts)
    nf = np.size(freq)

    pd_ys = preprocess(ys, ts, detrend=detrend, sg_kwargs=sg_kwargs, gaussianize=gaussianize, standardize=standardize)

    omega = make_omega(ts, freq)

    Neffs, a0, a1, a2 = f2py.f2py_wwz.wwa(tau, omega, c, Neff_threshold, ts, pd_ys, nproc, nts, nt, nf)

    undef = -99999.
    a0[a0 == undef] = np.nan
    a1[a1 == undef] = np.nan
    a2[a2 == undef] = np.nan
    wwa = np.sqrt(a1**2 + a2**2)
    phase = np.arctan2(a2, a1)

    #  coeff = a1 + a2*1j
    coeff = (a0, a1, a2)

    return wwa, phase, Neffs, coeff

def make_coi(tau, Neff_threshold=3):
    ''' Return the cone of influence.


    tau : array
        the evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis
    Neff_threshold : int
        the threshold of the number of effective samples (default: 3)


        coi : array
            cone of influence


    wave_signif() in

    assert isinstance(Neff_threshold, int) and Neff_threshold >= 1
    nt = np.size(tau)

    fourier_factor = 4*np.pi / (Neff_threshold+np.sqrt(2+Neff_threshold**2))
    coi_const = fourier_factor / np.sqrt(2)

    dt = np.median(np.diff(tau))
    nt_half = (nt+1)//2 - 1

    A = np.append(0.00001, np.arange(nt_half)+1)
    B = A[::-1]

    if nt % 2 == 0:
        C = np.append(A, B)
        C = np.append(A, B[1:])

    coi = coi_const * dt * C

    return coi

def make_omega(ts, freq):
    ''' Return the angular frequency based on the time axis and given frequency vector


    ys : array
        a time series
    ts : array
        time axis of the time series
    freq : array
        vector of frequency


    omega : array
        the angular frequency vector

    # for the frequency band larger than f_Nyquist, the wwa will be marked as NaNs
    f_Nyquist = 0.5 / np.median(np.diff(ts))
    freq_with_nan = np.copy(freq)
    freq_with_nan[freq > f_Nyquist] = np.nan
    omega = 2*np.pi*freq_with_nan

    return omega

def wwa2psd(wwa, ts, Neffs, freq=None, Neff_threshold=3, anti_alias=False, avgs=2):
    """ Return the power spectral density (PSD) using the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA).


    wwa : array
        the weighted wavelet amplitude.
    ts : array
        the time points, should be pre-truncated so that the span is exactly what is used for wwz
    Neffs : array
        the matrix of effective number of points in the time-scale coordinates obtained from wwz
    freq : array
        vector of frequency from wwz
    Neff_threshold : int
        the threshold of the number of effective samples
    anti_alias : bool
        whether to apply anti-alias filter
    avgs : int
        flag for whether spectrum is derived from instantaneous point measurements (avgs<>1) OR from measurements averaged over each sampling interval (avgs==1)


    psd : array
        power spectral density


    Kirchner's C code for weighted psd calculation (see

    af = AliasFilter()

    # weighted psd calculation start
    power = wwa**2 * 0.5 * (np.max(ts)-np.min(ts))/np.size(ts) * Neffs

    Neff_diff = Neffs - Neff_threshold
    Neff_diff[Neff_diff < 0] = 0

    sum_power = np.nansum(power * Neff_diff, axis=0)
    sum_eff = np.nansum(Neff_diff, axis=0)

    psd = sum_power / sum_eff
    # weighted psd calculation end

    if anti_alias:
        assert freq is not None, "freq is required for alias filter!"
        dt = np.median(np.diff(ts))
        f_sampling = 1/dt
        psd_copy = psd[1:]
        freq_copy = freq[1:]
        alpha, filtered_pwr, model_pwer, aliased_pwr = af.alias_filter(
            freq_copy, psd_copy, f_sampling, f_sampling*1e3, np.min(freq), avgs)

        psd[1:] = np.copy(filtered_pwr)

    return psd

[docs]def wwz(ys, ts, tau=None, ntau=None, freq=None, freq_method='log', freq_kwargs={}, c=1/(8*np.pi**2), Neff_threshold=3, Neff_coi=3, nproc=8, detrend=False, sg_kwargs=None, method='Kirchner_numba', gaussianize=False, standardize=False, len_bd=0, bc_mode='reflect', reflect_type='odd'): ''' Weighted wavelet Z transform (WWZ) for unevenly-spaced data Parameters ---------- ys : array a time series, NaNs will be deleted automatically ts : array the time points, if `ys` contains any NaNs, some of the time points will be deleted accordingly tau : array the evenly-spaced time vector for the analysis, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis freq : array vector of frequency freq_method : str Method to generate the frequency vector if not set directly. The following options are avialable: - 'log' (default) - 'lomb_scargle' - 'welch' - 'scale' - 'nfft' See :func:`pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.make_freq_vector()` for details freq_kwargs : str used when freq=None for certain methods c : float the decay constant that determines the analytical resolution of frequency for analysis, the smaller the higher resolution; the default value 1/(8*np.pi**2) is good for most of the wavelet analysis cases Neff_threshold : int threshold for the effective number of points nproc : int the number of processes for multiprocessing detrend : string, {None, 'linear', 'constant', 'savitzy-golay'} available methods for detrending, including - None: the original time series is assumed to have no trend; - 'linear': a linear least-squares fit to `ys` is subtracted; - 'constant': the mean of `ys` is subtracted - 'savitzy-golay': ys is filtered using the Savitzky-Golay filter and the resulting filtered series is subtracted from y. Empirical mode decomposition. The last mode is assumed to be the trend and removed from the series sg_kwargs : dict The parameters for the Savitzky-Golay filter. See :func:`pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzky_golay()` for details. method : string, {'Foster', 'Kirchner', 'Kirchner_f2py', 'Kirchner_numba'} available specific implementation of WWZ, including - 'Foster': the original WWZ method; - 'Kirchner': the method Kirchner adapted from Foster; - 'Kirchner_f2py': the method Kirchner adapted from Foster, implemented with f2py for acceleration; - 'Kirchner_numba': the method Kirchner adapted from Foster, implemented with Numba for acceleration (default); len_bd : int the number of the ghost grids want to creat on each boundary bc_mode : string, {'constant', 'edge', 'linear_ramp', 'maximum', 'mean', 'median', 'minimum', 'reflect' , 'symmetric', 'wrap'} For more details, see np.lib.pad() reflect_type : string, optional, {‘even’, ‘odd’} Used in ‘reflect’, and ‘symmetric’. The ‘even’ style is the default with an unaltered reflection around the edge value. For the ‘odd’ style, the extented part of the array is created by subtracting the reflected values from two times the edge value. For more details, see np.lib.pad() Returns ------- res : namedtuple a namedtuple that includes below items wwa : array the weighted wavelet amplitude. coi : array cone of influence freq : array vector of frequency tau : array the evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis Neffs : array the matrix of effective number of points in the time-scale coordinates coeff : array the wavelet transform coefficients See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_basic : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. No multiprocessing pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_basic : Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. No multiprocessing pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_numba : Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner using Numba package. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_f2py : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Uses Fortran. Fastest method but requires a compiler. pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzky_golay : Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.make_freq_vector : Make frequency vector pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.detrend : detrending functionalities pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.gaussianize_1d: Quantile maps a 1D array to a Gaussian distribution pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.preprocess: pre-processes a times series using Gaussianization and detrending. Examples -------- We perform an ideal test below. We use a sine wave with a period of 50 yrs as the signal for test. Then performing wavelet analysis should return an energy band around period of 50 yrs in the scalogram. .. ipython:: python :okwarning: from pyleoclim import utils import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, FormatStrFormatter import numpy as np # Create a signal time = np.arange(2001) f = 1/50 # the period is then 1/f = 50 signal = np.cos(2*np.pi*f*time) # Wavelet Analysis res = utils.wwz(signal, time) # Visualization fig, ax = plt.subplots() contourf_args = {'cmap': 'magma', 'origin': 'lower', 'levels': 11} cbar_args = {'drawedges': False, 'orientation': 'vertical', 'fraction': 0.15, 'pad': 0.05} cont = ax.contourf(res.time, 1/res.freq, res.amplitude.T, **contourf_args) ax.plot(res.time, res.coi, 'k--') # plot the cone of influence ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_yticks([2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000]) ax.set_ylim([2, 1000]) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%g')) ax.set_xlabel('Time (yr)') ax.set_ylabel('Period (yrs)') cb = plt.colorbar(cont, **cbar_args) @savefig wwa_wwz.png ''' #assert isinstance(nMC, int) and nMC >= 0, "nMC should be larger than or equal to 0." ys_cut, ts_cut, freq, tau = prepare_wwz( ys, ts, freq=freq, freq_method=freq_method, freq_kwargs=freq_kwargs, tau=tau, len_bd=len_bd, bc_mode=bc_mode, reflect_type=reflect_type ) wwz_func = get_wwz_func(nproc, method) wwa, phase, Neffs, coeff = wwz_func(ys_cut, ts_cut, freq, tau, Neff_threshold=Neff_threshold, c=c, nproc=nproc, detrend=detrend, sg_kwargs=sg_kwargs, gaussianize=gaussianize, standardize=standardize) # calculate the cone of influence coi = make_coi(tau, Neff_threshold=Neff_coi) # define `scale` as the `Period` axis for the scalogram scale = 1/freq # export Results = collections.namedtuple('Results', ['amplitude', 'phase', 'coi', 'freq', 'time', 'Neffs', 'coeff', 'scale']) res = Results(amplitude=wwa, phase=phase, coi=coi, freq=freq, time=tau, Neffs=Neffs, coeff=coeff, scale = scale) return res
[docs]def wwz_coherence(ys1, ts1, ys2, ts2, smooth_factor=0.25, tau=None, freq=None, freq_method='log', freq_kwargs=None, c=1/(8*np.pi**2), Neff_threshold=3, nproc=8, detrend=False, sg_kwargs=None, verbose=False, method='Kirchner_numba', gaussianize=False, standardize=False): ''' Returns the wavelet coherence of two time series (WWZ method). Parameters ---------- ys1 : array first of two time series ys2 : array second of the two time series ts1 : array time axis of first time series ts2 : array time axis of the second time series tau : array the evenly-spaced time points freq : array vector of frequency c : float the decay constant that determines the analytical resolution of frequency for analysis, the smaller the higher resolution; the default value 1/(8*np.pi**2) is good for most of the wavelet analysis cases Neff_threshold : int threshold for the effective number of points nproc : int the number of processes for multiprocessing detrend : string - None: the original time series is assumed to have no trend; - 'linear': a linear least-squares fit to `ys` is subtracted; - 'constant': the mean of `ys` is subtracted - 'savitzy-golay': ys is filtered using the Savitzky-Golay filter and the resulting filtered series is subtracted from y. Empirical mode decomposition. The last mode is assumed to be the trend and removed from the series sg_kwargs : dict The parameters for the Savitzky-Golay filter. see pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzy_golay for details. gaussianize : bool If True, gaussianizes the timeseries standardize : bool If True, standardizes the timeseries method : string - 'Foster': the original WWZ method; - 'Kirchner': the method Kirchner adapted from Foster; - 'Kirchner_f2py': the method Kirchner adapted from Foster with f2py - 'Kirchner_numba': Kirchner's algorithm with Numba support for acceleration (default) verbose : bool If True, print warning messages smooth_factor : float smoothing factor for the WTC (default: 0.25) Returns ------- res : dict contains the cross wavelet coherence, cross-wavelet phase, vector of frequency, evenly-spaced time points, AR1 sims, cone of influence References ---------- Grinsted, A., J. C. Moore, and S. Jevrejeva (2004), Application of the cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence to geophysical time series, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 11, 561–566. See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_basic : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. No multiprocessing pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_basic : Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. No multiprocessing pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_nproc : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_numba : Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner using Numba package. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_f2py : Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Uses Fortran. Fastest method but requires a compiler. pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzky_golay : Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.make_freq_vector : Make frequency vector pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.detrend : detrending functionalities pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.gaussianize_1d: Quantile maps a 1D array to a Gaussian distribution pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.preprocess: pre-processes a times series using Gaussianization and detrending. ''' # TODO: should this use common_time()? if tau is None: lb1, ub1 = np.min(ts1), np.max(ts1) lb2, ub2 = np.min(ts2), np.max(ts2) lb = np.max([lb1, lb2]) ub = np.min([ub1, ub2]) inside = ts1[(ts1>=lb) & (ts1<=ub)] tau = np.linspace(lb, ub, np.size(inside)//10) print(f'Setting tau={tau[:3]}...{tau[-3:]}, ntau={np.size(tau)}') if freq is None: freq_kwargs = {} if freq_kwargs is None else freq_kwargs.copy() freq = make_freq_vector(ts1, method=freq_method, **freq_kwargs) print(f'Setting freq={freq[:3]}...{freq[-3:]}, nfreq={np.size(freq)}') ys1_cut, ts1_cut, freq1, tau1 = prepare_wwz(ys1, ts1, freq=freq, tau=tau) ys2_cut, ts2_cut, freq2, tau2 = prepare_wwz(ys2, ts2, freq=freq, tau=tau) if np.any(tau1 != tau2): if verbose: print('inconsistent `tau`, recalculating...') tau_min = np.min([np.min(tau1), np.min(tau2)]) tau_max = np.max([np.max(tau1), np.max(tau2)]) ntau = np.max([np.size(tau1), np.size(tau2)]) tau = np.linspace(tau_min, tau_max, ntau) else: tau = tau1 if np.any(freq1 != freq2): if verbose: print('inconsistent `freq`, recalculating...') freq_min = np.min([np.min(freq1), np.min(freq2)]) freq_max = np.max([np.max(freq1), np.max(freq2)]) nfreq = np.max([np.size(freq1), np.size(freq2)]) freq = np.linspace(freq_min, freq_max, nfreq) else: freq = freq1 if freq[0] == 0: freq = freq[1:] # delete 0 frequency if present res_wwz1 = wwz(ys1_cut, ts1_cut, tau=tau, freq=freq, c=c, Neff_threshold=Neff_threshold, nproc=nproc, detrend=detrend, sg_kwargs=sg_kwargs, gaussianize=gaussianize, standardize=standardize, method=method) res_wwz2 = wwz(ys2_cut, ts2_cut, tau=tau, freq=freq, c=c, Neff_threshold=Neff_threshold, nproc=nproc, detrend=detrend, sg_kwargs=sg_kwargs, gaussianize=gaussianize, standardize=standardize, method=method) wt_coeff1 = res_wwz1.coeff[1] - res_wwz1.coeff[2]*1j wt_coeff2 = res_wwz2.coeff[1] - res_wwz2.coeff[2]*1j scale = 1/freq # `scales` here is the `Period` axis in the wavelet plot xw_coherence, xw_phase = wtc(wt_coeff1, wt_coeff2, scale, tau, smooth_factor=smooth_factor) xw_product, xw_amplitude, _ = xwt(wt_coeff1, wt_coeff2) # export output coi = make_coi(tau, Neff_threshold=Neff_threshold) Results = collections.namedtuple('Results', ['xw_coherence', 'xw_amplitude', 'xw_phase', 'xwt', 'freq', 'time', 'coi', 'scale']) res = Results(xw_coherence=xw_coherence, xw_amplitude=xw_amplitude, xw_phase=xw_phase, xwt=xw_product, scale = scale, freq=freq, time=tau, coi=coi) return res
def freq_vector_lomb_scargle(ts, dt= None, nf=None, ofac=4, hifac=1): ''' Return the frequency vector based on the REDFIT recommendation. Parameters ---------- ts : array time axis of the time series dt : float The resolution of the data. If None, uses the median resolution. Defaults to None. nf : int Number of frequency points. If None, calculated as the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies (set by hifac and ofac) divided by resolution. Defaults to None ofac : float Oversampling rate that influences the resolution of the frequency axis, when equals to 1, it means no oversamling (should be >= 1). The default value 4 is usually a good value. hifac : float fhi/fnyq (should be <= 1), where fhi is the highest frequency that can be analyzed by the Lomb-Scargle algorithm and fnyq is the Nyquist frequency. Returns ------- freq : array the frequency vector References ---------- Trauth, M. H. MATLAB® Recipes for Earth Sciences. (Springer, 2015). pp 181. See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_welch : Return the frequency vector based on the Welch's method. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_nfft : Return the frequency vector based on NFFT pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_scale : Return the frequency vector based on scales pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_log : Return the frequency vector based on logspace pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.make_freq_vector : Make frequency vector ''' assert ofac >= 1 and hifac <= 1, "`ofac` should be >= 1, and `hifac` should be <= 1" if dt is None: dt = np.median(np.diff(ts)) flo = (1/(2*dt)) / (np.size(ts)*ofac) fhi = hifac / (2*dt) if nf is None: df = flo nf = int((fhi - flo) / df + 1) freq = np.linspace(flo, fhi, nf) return freq def freq_vector_welch(ts): ''' Return the frequency vector based on Welch's method. Parameters ---------- ts : array time axis of the time series Returns ------- freq : array the frequency vector References ---------- See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_lomb_scargle : Return the frequency vector based on the REDFIT recommendation. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_nfft : Return the frequency vector based on NFFT pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_scale : Return the frequency vector based on scales pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_log : Return the frequency vector based on logspace pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.make_freq_vector : Make frequency vector ''' nt = np.size(ts) dt = np.median(np.diff(ts)) fs = 1 / dt if nt % 2 == 0: n_freq = nt//2 + 1 else: n_freq = (nt+1) // 2 freq = np.arange(n_freq) * fs / nt return freq def freq_vector_nfft(ts): ''' Return the frequency vector based on NFFT Parameters ---------- ts : array time axis of the time series Returns ------- freq : array the frequency vector See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_lomb_scargle : Return the frequency vector based on the REDFIT recommendation. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_welch : Return the frequency vector based on the Welch's method. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_scale : Return the frequency vector based on scales pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_log : Return the frequency vector based on logspace pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.make_freq_vector : Make frequency vector ''' nt = np.size(ts) dt = np.median(np.diff(ts)) fs = 1 / dt n_freq = nt//2 + 1 freq = np.linspace(0, fs/2, n_freq) return freq def freq_vector_scale(ts, dj=0.25, s0=None,j1=None, mother='MORLET',param=None): ''' Return the frequency vector based on scales for wavelet analysis. This function is adapted from Torrence and Compo Parameters ---------- ts: numpy.array The time axis for the timeseries dj : float, optional The spacing between discrete scales. The default is 0.25. A smaller number will give better scale resolution, but be slower to plot. s0 : float, optional the smallest scale of the wavelet. The default is None, representing 2*dT. j1 : float, optional the number of scales minus one. Scales range from S0 up to S0*2**(J1*DJ), to give a total of (J1+1) scales. The default is None, which represents (LOG2(N DT/S0))/DJ. mother : string, optional the mother wavelet function. The default is 'MORLET'. Options are: 'MORLET', 'PAUL', or 'DOG' param : flaot, optional the mother wavelet parameter. The default is None since it varies for each mother - For 'MORLET' this is k0 (wavenumber), default is 6. - For 'PAUL' this is m (order), default is 4. - For 'DOG' this is m (m-th derivative), default is 2. Returns ------- freq : array the frequency vector See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_lomb_scargle : Return the frequency vector based on the REDFIT recommendation. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_welch : Return the frequency vector based on the Welch's method. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_nfft : Return the frequency vector based on NFFT pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_log : Return the frequency vector based on logspace pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.make_freq_vector : Make frequency vector References ---------- Torrence, C. and G. P. Compo, 1998: A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 61-78. Python routines available at ''' if mother.upper() not in ['MORLET','DOG','PAUL']: raise ValueError('The mother wavelet should be either "MORLET","PAUL", or "DOG"') dt = np.diff(ts).mean() n1=len(ts) if s0 is None: s0 = 2 * dt if j1 is None: j1 = np.fix((np.log(n1 * dt / s0) / np.log(2)) / dj) # construct SCALE array & empty PERIOD & WAVE arrays if mother.upper() == 'MORLET': if param == None: param = 6. fourier_factor = 4 * np.pi / (param + np.sqrt(2 + param**2)) elif mother.upper() == 'PAUL': if param == None: param = 4. fourier_factor = 4 * np.pi / (2 * param + 1) elif mother.upper() == 'DOG': if param == None: param = 2. fourier_factor = 2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(2. / (2 * param + 1)) else: fourier_factor = np.nan j = np.arange(0, j1 + 1) scale = s0 * 2. ** (j * dj) freq = 1. / (fourier_factor * scale) return freq def freq_vector_log(ts, nfreq=None): ''' Return the frequency vector based on logspace Parameters ---------- ts : array time axis of the time series nv : int the parameter that controls the number of freq points Returns ------- freq : array the frequency vector See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_lomb_scargle : Return the frequency vector based on the REDFIT recommendation. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_welch : Return the frequency vector based on the Welch's method. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_nfft : Return the frequency vector based on NFFT pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_scale : Return the frequency vector based on scales pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.make_freq_vector : Make frequency vector ''' nt = np.size(ts) dt = np.median(np.diff(ts)) fs = 1 / dt if nfreq is None: nfreq = nt//10 + 1 fmin = 2/(np.max(ts)-np.min(ts)) fmax = fs/2 start = np.log2(fmin) stop = np.log2(fmax) freq = np.logspace(start, stop, nfreq, base=2) return freq def make_freq_vector(ts, method='log', **kwargs): ''' Make frequency vector This function selects among five methods to obtain the frequency vector. Parameters ---------- ts : array Time axis of the time series method : string The method to use. Options are 'log' (default), 'nfft', 'lomb_scargle', 'welch', and 'scale' kwargs : dict, optional For Lomb_Scargle, additional parameters may be passed: - nf (int): number of frequency points - ofac (float): Oversampling rate that influences the resolution of the frequency axis, when equals to 1, it means no oversamling (should be >= 1). The default value 4 is usaually a good value. - hifac (float): fhi/fnyq (should be >= 1), where fhi is the highest frequency that can be analyzed by the Lomb-Scargle algorithm and fnyq is the Nyquist frequency. Returns ------- freq : array the frequency vector See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_lomb_scargle : Return the frequency vector based on the REDFIT recommendation. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_welch : Return the frequency vector based on the Welch's method. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_nfft : Return the frequency vector based on NFFT pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_scale : Return the frequency vector based on scales pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.freq_vector_log : Return the frequency vector based on logspace ''' if method == 'lomb_scargle': freq = freq_vector_lomb_scargle(ts,**kwargs) elif method == 'welch': freq = freq_vector_welch(ts) elif method == 'nfft': freq = freq_vector_nfft(ts) elif method == 'scale': freq = freq_vector_scale(ts, **kwargs) elif method == 'log': freq = freq_vector_log(ts, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('This method is not supported') # freq = freq[1:] # discard the first element 0 return freq def get_wwz_func(nproc, method): ''' Return the wwz function to use. Parameters ---------- nproc : int the number of processes for multiprocessing method : string 'Foster' - the original WWZ method; 'Kirchner' - the method Kirchner adapted from Foster; 'Kirchner_f2py' - the method Kirchner adapted from Foster with f2py 'Kirchner_numba' - Kirchner's algorithm with Numba support for acceleration (default) Returns ------- wwz_func : function the wwz function to use ''' assertPositiveInt(nproc) if method == 'Foster': if nproc == 1: wwz_func = wwz_basic else: wwz_func = wwz_nproc elif method == 'Kirchner': if nproc == 1: wwz_func = kirchner_basic else: wwz_func = kirchner_nproc elif method == 'Kirchner_f2py': wwz_func = kirchner_f2py elif method == 'Kirchner_numba': wwz_func = kirchner_numba else: raise ValueError('Wrong specific method name for WWZ. Should be one of {"Foster", "Kirchner", "Kirchner_f2py", "Kirchner_numba"}') return wwz_func def prepare_wwz(ys, ts, freq=None, freq_method='log', freq_kwargs=None, tau=None, len_bd=0, bc_mode='reflect', reflect_type='odd', **kwargs): ''' Return the truncated time series with NaNs deleted and estimate frequency vector and tau Parameters ---------- ys : array a time series, NaNs will be deleted automatically ts : array the time points, if `ys` contains any NaNs, some of the time points will be deleted accordingly freq : array vector of frequency. If None, will be generated according to freq_method. may be set. freq_method : str when freq=None, freq will be ganerated according to freq_method freq_kwargs : str used when freq=None for certain methods tau : array The evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis. If the boundaries of tau are not exactly on two of the time axis points, then tau will be adjusted to be so. If None, at most 50 tau points will be generated from the input time span. len_bd : int the number of the ghost grid points desired on each boundary bc_mode : string {'constant', 'edge', 'linear_ramp', 'maximum', 'mean', 'median', 'minimum', 'reflect' , 'symmetric', 'wrap'} For more details, see np.lib.pad() reflect_type : string {‘even’, ‘odd’}, optional Used in ‘reflect’, and ‘symmetric’. The ‘even’ style is the default with an unaltered reflection around the edge value. For the ‘odd’ style, the extented part of the array is created by subtracting the reflected values from two times the edge value. For more details, see np.lib.pad() Returns ------- ys_cut : array the truncated time series with NaNs deleted ts_cut : array the truncated time axis of the original time series with NaNs deleted freq : array vector of frequency tau : array the evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis ''' ys, ts = clean_ts(ys, ts) if tau is None: ntau = np.min([np.size(ts), 50]) tau = np.linspace(np.min(ts), np.max(ts), ntau) elif np.isnan(tau).any(): warnings.warn("The input tau contains some NaNs." + "It will be regenerated using the boundarys of the time axis of the time series with NaNs deleted," + "with the length of the size of the input tau.") tau = np.linspace(np.min(ts), np.max(ts), np.size(tau)) elif np.min(tau) < np.min(ts) and np.max(tau) > np.max(ts): warnings.warn("tau should be within the time span of the time series." + "Note that sometimes if the leading points of the time series are NaNs," + "they will be deleted and cause np.min(tau) < np.min(ts)." + "A new tau with the same size of the input tau will be generated.") tau = np.linspace(np.min(ts), np.max(ts), np.size(tau)) elif np.min(tau) not in ts or np.max(tau) not in ts: warnings.warn("The boundaries of tau are not exactly on two of the time axis points," + "and it will be adjusted to be so.") tau_lb = np.min(ts[ts > np.min(tau)]) tau_ub = np.max(ts[ts < np.max(tau)]) tau = np.linspace(tau_lb, tau_ub, np.size(tau)) # boundary condition if len_bd > 0: dt = np.median(np.diff(ts)) dtau = np.median(np.diff(tau)) len_bd_tau = len_bd*dt//dtau if bc_mode in ['reflect', 'symmetric']: ys = np.lib.pad(ys, (len_bd, len_bd), bc_mode, reflect_type=reflect_type) else: ys = np.lib.pad(ys, (len_bd, len_bd), bc_mode) ts_left_bd = np.linspace(ts[0]-dt*len_bd, ts[0]-dt, len_bd) ts_right_bd = np.linspace(ts[-1]+dt, ts[-1]+dt*len_bd, len_bd) ts = np.concatenate((ts_left_bd, ts, ts_right_bd)) warnings.warn("The tau will be regenerated to fit the boundary condition.") tau_left_bd = np.linspace(tau[0]-dtau*len_bd_tau, tau[0]-dtau, len_bd_tau) tau_right_bd = np.linspace(tau[-1]+dtau, tau[-1]+dtau*len_bd_tau, len_bd_tau) tau = np.concatenate((tau_left_bd, tau, tau_right_bd)) # truncate the time series when the range of tau is smaller than that of the time series ts_cut = ts[(np.min(tau) <= ts) & (ts <= np.max(tau))] ys_cut = ys[(np.min(tau) <= ts) & (ts <= np.max(tau))] if freq is None: freq_kwargs = {} if freq_kwargs is None else freq_kwargs.copy() freq = make_freq_vector(ts_cut, method=freq_method, **freq_kwargs) # remove 0 in freq vector freq = freq[freq != 0] return ys_cut, ts_cut, freq, tau def xwt(coeff1, coeff2): ''' Return the cross wavelet transform. Parameters ---------- coeff1 : array the first of two sets of wavelet transform coefficients **in the form of a1 + a2*1j** coeff2 : array the second of two sets of wavelet transform coefficients **in the form of a1 + a2*1j** freq : array vector of frequency tau : array evenly-spaced time axis (original ttime axis for CWT, time shift for WWZ). Returns ------- xw_t : array (complex) the cross wavelet transform xw_amplitude : array the cross wavelet amplitude xw_phase : array the cross wavelet phase References ---------- Grinsted, A., Moore, J. C. & Jevrejeva, S. Application of the cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence to geophysical time series. Nonlin. Processes Geophys. 11, 561–566 (2004). ''' xw_t = coeff1 * np.conj(coeff2) xw_amplitude = np.sqrt(xw_t.real**2 + xw_t.imag**2) xw_phase = np.arctan2(xw_t.imag, xw_t.real) return xw_t, xw_amplitude, xw_phase def wtc(coeff1, coeff2, scales, tau, smooth_factor=0.25): ''' Return the wavelet transform coherency (WTC). Parameters ---------- coeff1 : array the first of two sets of wavelet transform coefficients **in the form of a1 + a2*1j** coeff2 : array the second of two sets of wavelet transform coefficients **in the form of a1 + a2*1j** scales : array vector of scales (period for WWZ; more complicated dependence for CWT) tau : array' the evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis Returns ------- xw_coherence : array the cross wavelet coherence References ---------- 1. Grinsted, A., Moore, J. C. & Jevrejeva, S. Application of the cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence to geophysical time series. Nonlin. Processes Geophys. 11, 561–566 (2004). 2. Matlab code by Grinsted ( 3. Python code by Sebastian Krieger ( ''' def rect(length, normalize=False): """ Rectangular function adapted from Args: length (int): length of the rectangular function normalize (bool): normalize or not Returns: rect (array): the (normalized) rectangular function """ rect = np.zeros(length) rect[0] = rect[-1] = 0.5 rect[1:-1] = 1 if normalize: rect /= rect.sum() return rect def smoothing(coeff, snorm, dj, smooth_factor=smooth_factor): """ Smoothing function adapted from Args ---- coeff : array the wavelet coefficients get from wavelet transform **in the form of a1 + a2*1j** snorm : array normalized scales dj : float it satisfies the equation [ Sj = S0 * 2**(j*dj) smooth_factor : float UNCLEAR (ask Feng) Returns ------- rect : array the (normalized) rectangular function """ def fft_kwargs(signal, **kwargs): return {'n': ** np.ceil(np.log2(len(signal))))} W = coeff.transpose() m, n = np.shape(W) # Smooth in time k = 2 * np.pi * fft.fftfreq(fft_kwargs(W[0, :])['n']) k2 = k ** 2 # Notes by Smoothing by Gaussian window (absolute value of wavelet function) # using the convolution theorem: multiplication by Gaussian curve in # Fourier domain for each scale, outer product of scale and frequency F = np.exp(-smooth_factor * (snorm[:, np.newaxis] ** 2) * k2) # Outer product smooth = fft.ifft(F * fft.fft(W, axis=1, **fft_kwargs(W[0, :])), axis=1, # Along Fourier frequencies **fft_kwargs(W[0, :], overwrite_x=True)) T = smooth[:, :n] # Remove possibly padded region due to FFT if np.isreal(W).all(): T = T.real # Smooth in scale wsize = 0.6 / dj * 2 win = rect(, normalize=True) T = signal.convolve2d(T, win[:, np.newaxis], 'same') S = T.transpose() return S xwt = coeff1 * np.conj(coeff2) power1 = np.abs(coeff1)**2 power2 = np.abs(coeff2)**2 dt = np.median(np.diff(tau)) snorm = scales / dt # normalized scales # with WWZ method, we don't have a constant dj, so we will just take the average over the whole scale range N = np.size(scales) s0 = scales[-1] sN = scales[0] dj = np.log2(sN/s0) / N S12 = smoothing(xwt/scales, snorm, dj) S1 = smoothing(power1/scales, snorm, dj) S2 = smoothing(power2/scales, snorm, dj) xw_coherence = np.abs(S12)**2 / (S1*S2) wcs = S12 / (np.sqrt(S1)*np.sqrt(S2)) xw_phase = np.angle(wcs) return xw_coherence, xw_phase # def reconstruct_ts(coeff, freq, tau, t, len_bd=0): # ''' Reconstruct the normalized time series from the wavelet coefficients. # Parameters # ---------- # coeff : array # the coefficients of the corresponding basis functions (a0, a1, a2) # freq : array # vector of frequency of the basis functions # tau : array # the evenly-spaced time points of the basis functions # t : array # the specified evenly-spaced time points of the reconstructed time series # len_bd : int # the number of the ghost grids want to creat on each boundary # Returns # ------- # rec_ts : array # the reconstructed normalized time series # t : array # the evenly-spaced time points of the reconstructed time series # ''' # omega = 2*np.pi*freq # nf = np.size(freq) # dt = np.median(np.diff(t)) # if len_bd > 0: # t_left_bd = np.linspace(t[0]-dt*len_bd, t[0]-dt, len_bd) # t_right_bd = np.linspace(t[-1]+dt, t[-1]+dt*len_bd, len_bd) # t = np.concatenate((t_left_bd, t, t_right_bd)) # ntau = np.size(tau) # a_0, a_1, a_2 = coeff # rec_ts = np.zeros(np.size(t)) # for k in range(nf): # for j in range(ntau): # if np.isnan(a_0[j, k]) or np.isnan(a_1[j, k]) or np.isnan(a_1[j, k]): # continue # else: # dz = omega[k] * (t - tau[j]) # phi_1 = np.cos(dz) # phi_2 = np.sin(dz) # rec_ts += (a_0[j, k] + a_1[j, k]*phi_1 + a_2[j, k]*phi_2) # rec_ts = preprocess(rec_ts, t, detrend=False, gaussianize=False, standardize=False) # return rec_ts, t ############ Methods for Torrence and Compo#############
[docs]def cwt(ys,ts,freq=None,freq_method='log',freq_kwargs={}, scale = None, detrend=False,sg_kwargs={}, gaussianize=False, standardize=False, pad=False, mother='MORLET',param=None): ''' Wrapper function to implement Torrence and Compo continuous wavelet transform Parameters ---------- ys : numpy.array the time series. ts : numpy.array the time axis. freq : numpy.array, optional The frequency vector. The default is None, which will prompt the use of one the underlying functions freq_method : string, optional The method by which to obtain the frequency vector. The default is 'log'. Options are 'log' (default), 'nfft', 'lomb_scargle', 'welch', and 'scale' freq_kwargs : dict, optional Optional parameters for the choice of the frequency vector. See make_freq_vector and additional methods for details. The default is {}. scale : numpy.array Optional scale vector in place of a frequency vector. Default is None. If scale is not None, frequency method and attached arguments will be ignored. detrend : bool, string, {'linear', 'constant', 'savitzy-golay', 'emd'} Whether to detrend and with which option. The default is False. sg_kwargs : dict, optional Additional parameters for the savitzy-golay method. The default is {}. gaussianize : bool, optional Whether to gaussianize. The default is False. standardize : bool, optional Whether to standardize. The default is False. pad : bool, optional Whether or not to pad the timeseries. with zeroes to get N up to the next higher power of 2. This prevents wraparound from the end of the time series to the beginning, and also speeds up the FFT's used to do the wavelet transform. This will not eliminate all edge effects. The default is False. mother : string, optional the mother wavelet function. The default is 'MORLET'. Options are: 'MORLET', 'PAUL', or 'DOG' param : flaot, optional the mother wavelet parameter. The default is None since it varies for each mother - For 'MORLET' this is k0 (wavenumber), default is 6. - For 'PAUL' this is m (order), default is 4. - For 'DOG' this is m (m-th derivative), default is 2. Returns ------- res : dict Dictionary containing: - amplitude: the wavelet amplitude - coi: cone of influence - freq: frequency vector - coeff: the wavelet coefficients - scale: the scale vector - time: the time vector - mother: the mother wavelet - param : the wavelet parameter See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.make_freq_vector : make the frequency vector with various methods pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.tc_wavelet: the underlying wavelet function by Torrence and Compo pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.detrend : detrending functionalities pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.gaussianize_1d: Quantile maps a 1D array to a Gaussian distribution pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.preprocess: pre-processes a times series using Gaussianization and detrending. References ---------- Torrence, C. and G. P. Compo, 1998: A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 61-78. Python routines available at ''' ts = np.array(ts) ys = np.array(ys) ys, ts = clean_ts(ys,ts) if len(ts) != len(ys): raise ValueError('Time and value axis should be the same length') if is_evenly_spaced(ts) == False: raise ValueError('Time vector should be evenly spaced for this method. Interpolate or use WWZ.') if mother.upper() not in ['MORLET','DOG','PAUL']: raise ValueError('The mother wavelet should be either "MORLET","PAUL", or "DOG"') #preprocessing # remove NaNs dt = np.diff(ts).mean() ys = preprocess(ys, ts, detrend=detrend, sg_kwargs=sg_kwargs, gaussianize=gaussianize, standardize=standardize) #TC seems to require standardization # fourier factor determination if mother.upper() == 'MORLET': if param == None: param = 6. fourier_factor = 4 * np.pi / (param + np.sqrt(2 + param**2)) elif mother.upper() == 'PAUL': if param == None: param = 4. fourier_factor = 4 * np.pi / (2 * param + 1) elif mother.upper() == 'DOG': if param == None: param = 2. fourier_factor = 2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(2. / (2 * param + 1)) else: fourier_factor = np.nan #get the scale if scale is None: if freq is None: if freq_method == 'scale': freq_kwargs = {} if freq_kwargs is None else freq_kwargs.copy() freq_kwargs.update({'mother':mother,'param':param}) freq = make_freq_vector(ts,method=freq_method,**freq_kwargs) scale = 1. / (fourier_factor * freq) #calculate wavelet wave, coi = tc_wavelet(ys, dt, scale, mother, param, pad) amplitude=np.abs(wave) Results = collections.namedtuple('Results', ['amplitude', 'coi', 'freq', 'time', 'scale', 'coeff', 'mother','param']) res = Results(amplitude=amplitude.T, coi=coi, freq=freq, time=ts, scale=scale, coeff=wave, mother=mother,param=param) return res
[docs]def cwt_coherence(ys1, ts1, ys2, ts2, freq=None, freq_method='log',freq_kwargs={}, scale = None, detrend=False,sg_kwargs={}, pad = False, standardize = False, gaussianize=False, tau = None, Neff_threshold=3, mother='MORLET',param=None, smooth_factor=0.25): ''' Returns the wavelet transform coherency of two time series using the CWT. Parameters ---------- ys1 : array first of two time series ys2 : array second of the two time series ts1 : array time axis of first time series ts2 : array time axis of the second time series (should be = ts1) tau : array evenly-spaced time points at which to evaluate coherence Defaults to None, which uses ts1 freq : array vector of frequency freq_method : string, optional The method by which to obtain the frequency vector. The default is 'log'. Options are 'log' (default), 'nfft', 'lomb_scargle', 'welch', and 'scale' freq_kwargs : dict, optional Optional parameters for the choice of the frequency vector. See make_freq_vector and additional methods for details. The default is {}. scale : numpy.array Optional scale vector in place of a frequency vector. Default is None. If scale is not None, frequency method and attached arguments will be ignored. detrend : bool, string, {'linear', 'constant', 'savitzy-golay', 'emd'} Whether to detrend and with which option. The default is False. sg_kwargs : dict, optional Additional parameters for the savitzy-golay method. The default is {}. gaussianize : bool, optional Whether to gaussianize. The default is False. standardize : bool, optional Whether to standardize. The default is False. pad : bool, optional Whether or not to pad the timeseries with zeroes to increase N to the next higher power of 2. This prevents wraparound from the end of the time series to the beginning, and also speeds up the FFT used to do the wavelet transform. This will not eliminate all edge effects. The default is False. mother : string, optional the mother wavelet function. The default is 'MORLET'. Options are: 'MORLET', 'PAUL', or 'DOG' param : flaot, optional the mother wavelet parameter. The default is None since it varies for each mother - For 'MORLET' this is k0 (wavenumber), default is 6. - For 'PAUL' this is m (order), default is 4. - For 'DOG' this is m (m-th derivative), default is 2. smooth_factor : float smoothing factor for the WTC (default: 0.25) Neff_threshold : int threshold for the effective number of points (3 by default, see make_coi()) Returns ------- res : dict contains the cross wavelet coherence (WTC), cross-wavelet transform (XWT), cross-wavelet phase, vector of frequency, evenly-spaced time points, nMC AR1 scalograms, cone of influence. References ---------- Grinsted, A., J. C. Moore, and S. Jevrejeva (2004), Application of the cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence to geophysical time series, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 11, 561–566. See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.cwt : Continuous Wavelet Transform (Torrence & Compo 1998) pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzky_golay : Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter. pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.make_freq_vector : Makes frequency vector pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.gaussianize_1d: Quantile maps a 1D array to a Gaussian distribution pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.detrend : detrending functionalities pyleoclim.utils.tsutils.preprocess: pre-processes a times series using Gaussianization and detrending. ''' assert np.array_equal(ts1,ts2) and len(ys1) == len(ys2) , "ts1 and ts2 should be the same. Suggest using common_time()" if tau is None: tau = ts1 if freq is None: freq_kwargs = {} if freq_kwargs is None else freq_kwargs.copy() freq = make_freq_vector(ts1, method=freq_method, **freq_kwargs) print(f'Setting freq={freq[:3]}...{freq[-3:]}, nfreq={np.size(freq)}') if freq[0] == 0: freq = freq[1:] # delete 0 frequency if present # Compute CWT for both series cwt1 = cwt(ys1,ts1,freq=freq,freq_method=freq_method,freq_kwargs=freq_kwargs, scale = scale, detrend=detrend, sg_kwargs=sg_kwargs, gaussianize=gaussianize, standardize=standardize, pad=pad, mother=mother,param=param) cwt2 = cwt(ys2,ts2,freq=freq,freq_method=freq_method,freq_kwargs=freq_kwargs, scale = scale, detrend=detrend, sg_kwargs=sg_kwargs, gaussianize=gaussianize, standardize=standardize, pad=pad, mother=mother,param=param) wt_coeff1 = cwt1.coeff.T # transpose so that scale is second axis, as for wwz wt_coeff2 = cwt2.coeff.T scale = cwt1.scale # compute XWT and CWT xw_coherence, xw_phase = wtc(wt_coeff1, wt_coeff2, scale, tau, smooth_factor=smooth_factor) xw_t, xw_amplitude, _ = xwt(wt_coeff1, wt_coeff2) # evaluate cone of influence coi = make_coi(tau, Neff_threshold=Neff_threshold) Results = collections.namedtuple('Results', ['xw_coherence', 'xw_amplitude', 'xw_phase', 'xw_t', 'freq', 'scale', 'time', 'coi']) res = Results(xw_coherence=xw_coherence, xw_amplitude=xw_amplitude, xw_phase=xw_phase, xw_t=xw_t, freq=freq, time=tau, coi=coi, scale = scale) return res
def tc_wavelet(Y, dt, scale, mother, param, pad=False): ''' WAVELET 1D Wavelet transform. Adapted from Torrence and Compo to fit existing Pyleoclim functionalities Computes the wavelet transform of the vector Y (length N), with sampling rate DT. By default, the Morlet wavelet (k0=6) is used. The wavelet basis is normalized to have total energy=1 at all scales. Parameters ---------- Y : numpy.array the time series of length N. dt : float the sampling time mother : string, optional the mother wavelet function. The default is 'MORLET'. Options are: 'MORLET', 'PAUL', or 'DOG' param : flaot, optional the mother wavelet parameter. The default is None since it varies for each mother - For 'MORLET' this is k0 (wavenumber), default is 6. - For 'PAUL' this is m (order), default is 4. - For 'DOG' this is m (m-th derivative), default is 2. pad : {True,False}, optional Whether or not to pad the timeseries. with zeroes to get N up to the next higher power of 2. This prevents wraparound from the end of the time series to the beginning, and also speeds up the FFT's used to do the wavelet transform. This will not eliminate all edge effects. The default is False. Returns ------- wave : numpy.array The wavelet coefficients coi : numpy.array The cone of influence. Periods greater than this are subject to edge effects. See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.tc_wave_bases: 1D wavelet functions Morlet, Paul or Dog References ---------- Torrence, C. and G. P. Compo, 1998: A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 61-78. Python routines available at ''' n1 = len(Y) # construct time series to analyze, pad if necessary x = Y - np.mean(Y) if pad == True: # power of 2 nearest to N base2 = np.fix(np.log(n1) / np.log(2) + 0.4999) nzeroes = (2 ** (base2 + 1) - n1).astype(np.int64) x = np.concatenate((x, np.zeros(nzeroes))) n = len(x) # construct wavenumber array used in transform [Eqn(5)] kplus = np.arange(1, int(n / 2) + 1) kplus = (kplus * 2 * np.pi / (n * dt)) kminus = np.arange(1, int((n - 1) / 2) + 1) kminus = np.sort((-kminus * 2 * np.pi / (n * dt))) k = np.concatenate(([0.], kplus, kminus)) # compute FFT of the (padded) time series f = np.fft.fft(x) # [Eqn(3)] # define the wavelet array wave = np.zeros(shape=(len(scale), n), dtype=complex) # loop through all scales and compute transform for a1 in range(0, len(scale)): daughter, fourier_factor, coi, _ = \ tc_wave_bases(mother, k, scale[a1], param) wave[a1, :] = np.fft.ifft(f * daughter) # wavelet transform[Eqn(4)] # COI [Sec.3g] coi = coi * dt * np.concatenate(( np.insert(np.arange(int((n1 + 1) / 2) - 1), [0], [1E-5]), np.insert(np.flipud(np.arange(0, int(n1 / 2) - 1)), [-1], [1E-5]))) wave = wave[:, :n1] # get rid of padding before returning return wave, coi def tc_wave_bases(mother, k, scale, param): ''' WAVE_BASES 1D Wavelet functions Morlet, Paul, or DOG Parameters ---------- mother : string equal to 'MORLET' or 'PAUL' or 'DOG' k : numpy.array the Fourier frequencies at which to calculate the wavelet scale : float The wavelet scale param : float the nondimensional parameter for the wavelet function Returns ------- daughter : numpy.array a vector, the wavelet function fourier_factor : float the ratio of Fourier period to scale coi : float the cone-of-influence size at the scale dofmin : float degrees of freedom for each point in the wavelet power (either 2 for Morlet and Paul, or 1 for the DOG) References ---------- Torrence, C. and G. P. Compo, 1998: A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 61-78. Python routines available at ''' n = len(k) kplus = np.array(k > 0., dtype=float) if mother == 'MORLET': # ----------------------------------- Morlet if param == -1: param = 6. k0 = np.copy(param) # calc psi_0(s omega) from Table 1 expnt = -(scale * k - k0) ** 2 / 2. * kplus norm = np.sqrt(scale * k[1]) * (np.pi ** (-0.25)) * np.sqrt(n) daughter = norm * np.exp(expnt) daughter = daughter * kplus # Heaviside step function # Scale-->Fourier [Sec.3h] fourier_factor = (4 * np.pi) / (k0 + np.sqrt(2 + k0 ** 2)) coi = fourier_factor / np.sqrt(2) # Cone-of-influence [Sec.3g] dofmin = 2 # Degrees of freedom elif mother == 'PAUL': # -------------------------------- Paul if param == -1: param = 4. m = param # calc psi_0(s omega) from Table 1 expnt = -scale * k * kplus norm_bottom = np.sqrt(m *, (2 * m)))) norm = np.sqrt(scale * k[1]) * (2 ** m / norm_bottom) * np.sqrt(n) daughter = norm * ((scale * k) ** m) * np.exp(expnt) * kplus fourier_factor = 4 * np.pi / (2 * m + 1) coi = fourier_factor * np.sqrt(2) dofmin = 2 elif mother == 'DOG': # -------------------------------- DOG if param == -1: param = 2. m = param # calc psi_0(s omega) from Table 1 expnt = -(scale * k) ** 2 / 2.0 norm = np.sqrt(scale * k[1] / gamma(m + 0.5)) * np.sqrt(n) daughter = -norm * (1j ** m) * ((scale * k) ** m) * np.exp(expnt) fourier_factor = 2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(2. / (2 * m + 1)) coi = fourier_factor / np.sqrt(2) dofmin = 1 else: print('Mother must be one of MORLET, PAUL, DOG') return daughter, fourier_factor, coi, dofmin def tc_wave_signif(ys, ts, scale, mother, param, sigtest='chi-square', qs=[0.95], dof=None, gws=None): ''' Asymptotic singificance testing. Parameters ---------- ys : numpy.array Values for the timeseries ts : numpy.array time vector. scale : numpy.array vector of scale mother : str Type of mother wavelet param : int mother wavelet parameter sigtest : {'chi-square','time-average','scale-average'}, optional Type of significance test to perform . The default is 'chi-square'. - chi-square: a regular chi-square test Eq(18) from Torrence and Compo - time-average: DOF should be set to NA, the number of local wavelet spectra that were averaged together. For the Global Wavelet Spectrum, this would be NA=N, where N is the number of points in your time series. Eq23 in Torrence and Compo -scale-average: In this case, DOF should be set to a two-element vector [S1,S2], which gives the scale range that was averaged together. e.g. if one scale-averaged scales between 2 and 8, then DOF=[2,8]. qs : list, optional Significance level. The default is [0.95]. dof : None, optional Degrees of freedon for signif test. The default is None, which will automatically assign: - chi-square: DOF = 2 (or 1 for MOTHER='DOG') - time-average: DOF = NA, the number of times averaged together. -scale-average: DOF = [S1,S2], the range of scales averaged. gws : np.array, optional Global wavelet spectrum. a vector of the same length as scale. If input then this is used as the theoretical background spectrum, rather than white or red noise. The default is None. Returns ------- signif_level : numpy.array Array of values for significance level References ---------- Torrence, C. and G. P. Compo, 1998: A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 61-78. Python routines available at See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.chisquare_inv : inverse of chi-square CDF pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.chisquare_solve : return the difference between calculated percentile and true P ''' if mother.upper() not in ['MORLET','DOG','PAUL']: raise ValueError('The mother wavelet should be either "MORLET","PAUL", or "DOG"') if sigtest not in ['chi-square','time-average','scale-average']: raise ValueError("The type of significance test should be either 'chi-square','time-average','scale-average'") J1 = len(scale) - 1 dj = np.log2(scale[1] / scale[0]) variance = np.std(ys,ddof=1) ** 2 # get the appropriate parameters [see Table(2)] if mother.upper() == 'MORLET': # ---------------------------------- Morlet empir = ([2., -1, -1, -1]) if param == 6: empir[1:] = ([0.776, 2.32, 0.60]) k0 = param # Scale-->Fourier [Sec.3h] fourier_factor = (4 * np.pi) / (k0 + np.sqrt(2 + k0 ** 2)) elif mother.upper() == 'PAUL': empir = ([2, -1, -1, -1]) if param == 4: empir[1:] = ([1.132, 1.17, 1.5]) m = param fourier_factor = (4 * np.pi) / (2 * m + 1) elif mother.upper() == 'DOG': # -------------------------------------Paul empir = ([1., -1, -1, -1]) if param ==2: empir[1:] = ([3.541, 1.43, 1.4]) elif param == 6: # --------------------------------------DOG empir[1:] = ([1.966, 1.37, 0.97]) m = param fourier_factor = 2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(2. / (2 * m + 1)) period = scale * fourier_factor dofmin = empir[0] # Degrees of freedom with no smoothing Cdelta = empir[1] # reconstruction factor gamma_fac = empir[2] # time-decorrelation factor dj0 = empir[3] # scale-decorrelation factor dt = float(np.mean(np.diff(ts))) freq = dt / period # normalized frequency if gws is not None: # use global-wavelet as background spectrum fft_theor = gws else: # [Eqn(16)] lag1 = ar1_fit(ys,ts) fft_theor = (1 - lag1 ** 2) / \ (1 - 2 * lag1 * np.cos(freq * 2 * np.pi) + lag1 ** 2) fft_theor = variance * fft_theor # include time-series variance signif = fft_theor if dof is None: dof = dofmin signif_level = [] for siglvl in qs: if sigtest == 'chi-square': # no smoothing, DOF=dofmin [Sec.4] dof = dofmin chisquare = chisquare_inv(siglvl, dof) / dof signif = fft_theor * chisquare # [Eqn(18)] #expand #signif = signif[:, np.newaxis].dot(np.ones(len(ys))[np.newaxis, :]) elif sigtest == 'time-average': # time-averaged significance if len(np.atleast_1d(dof)) == 1: dof = np.zeros(J1) + dof dof[dof < 1] = 1 # [Eqn(23)] dof = dofmin * np.sqrt(1 + (dof * dt / gamma_fac / scale) ** 2) dof[dof < dofmin] = dofmin # minimum DOF is dofmin for a1 in range(0, J1 + 1): chisquare = chisquare_inv(siglvl, dof[a1]) / dof[a1] signif[a1] = fft_theor[a1] * chisquare elif sigtest == 'scale-average': # time-averaged significance if len(dof) != 2: raise ValueError('DOF must be set to [S1,S2],' ' the range of scale-averages') if Cdelta == -1: raise ValueError('Cdelta & dj0 not defined' ' for ' + mother + ' with param = ' + str(param)) s1 = dof[0] s2 = dof[1] avg = np.logical_and(scale >= 2, scale < 8) # scales between S1 & S2 navg = np.sum(np.array(np.logical_and(scale >= 2, scale < 8), dtype=int)) if navg == 0: raise ValueError('No valid scales between ' + s1 + ' and ' + s2) Savg = 1. / np.sum(1. / scale[avg]) # [Eqn(25)] Smid = np.exp((np.log(s1) + np.log(s2)) / 2.) # power-of-two midpoint dof = (dofmin * navg * Savg / Smid) * \ np.sqrt(1 + (navg * dj / dj0) ** 2) # [Eqn(28)] fft_theor = Savg * np.sum(fft_theor[avg] / scale[avg]) # [Eqn(27)] chisquare = chisquare_inv(siglvl, dof) / dof signif = (dj * dt / Cdelta / Savg) * fft_theor * chisquare # [Eqn(26)] signif_level.append(np.sqrt(signif.T)) return signif_level def chisquare_inv(P, V): ''' Returns the inverse of chi-square CDF with V degrees of freedom at fraction P Parameters ---------- P : float fraction V : float degress of freedom Returns ------- X : float Inverse chi-square References ---------- Torrence, C. and G. P. Compo, 1998: A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 61-78. Python routines available at ''' if (1 - P) < 1E-4: raise ValueError('P must be < 0.9999') if P == 0.95 and V == 2: # this is a no-brainer X = 5.9915 return X MINN = 0.01 # hopefully this is small enough MAXX = 1 # actually starts at 10 (see while loop below) X = 1 TOLERANCE = 1E-4 # this should be accurate enough while (X + TOLERANCE) >= MAXX: # should only need to loop thru once MAXX = MAXX * 10. # this calculates value for X, NORMALIZED by V X = fminbound(chisquare_solve, MINN, MAXX, args=(P, V), xtol=TOLERANCE) MINN = MAXX X = X * V # put back in the goofy V factor return X def chisquare_solve(XGUESS, P, V): ''' Given XGUESS, a percentile P, and degrees-of-freedom V, return the difference between calculated percentile and P. Parameters ---------- XGUESS : float sig level P : float percentile V : float degrees of freedom Returns ------- PDIFF : float difference between calculated percentile and P References ---------- Torrence, C. and G. P. Compo, 1998: A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 61-78. Python routines available at ''' PGUESS = gammainc(V / 2, V * XGUESS / 2) # incomplete Gamma function PDIFF = np.abs(PGUESS - P) # error in calculated P TOL = 1E-4 if PGUESS >= 1 - TOL: # if P is very close to 1 (i.e. a bad guess) PDIFF = XGUESS # then just assign some big number like XGUESS return PDIFF def angle_stats(theta): ''' Statistics of a phase angle Parameters ---------- theta : numpy.array array of phase angles Returns ------- mean_theta : float mean angle sigma : float circular standard deviation kappa: float an estimate of the Von Mises distribution's kappa parameter References ---------- _[1] Huber, R., Dutra, L. V., & da Costa Freitas, C. (2001, July). SAR interferogram phase filtering based on the Von Mises distribution. In IGARSS 2001. Scanning the Present and Resolving the Future. Proceedings. IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (Cat. No. 01CH37217) (Vol. 6, pp. 2816-2818). IEEE. See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.angle_sig: significance of phase angle statistics ''' n = len(theta) S = np.sin(theta).sum() C = np.cos(theta).sum() mean_theta = np.arctan2(S,C) R = np.sqrt(S**2+C**2)/n # estimate kappa from von Mises distribution if (R<.53): kappa = 2*R+R**3+5*R**5/6 elif (R<.85): kappa = -0.4+1.39*R+0.43/(1-R) else: kappa = 1/(R**3-4*R**2+3*R) sigma = np.sqrt(-2*np.log(R)) # circular standard deviation return mean_theta, kappa, sigma def angle_sig(theta, nMC=1000, level = 0.05): ''' Calculates the mean angle and assesses the significance of its statistics. In general, a consistent phase relationship will have low circular standard deviation (sigma <= sigma_lo) and high concentration (kappa >= kappa_hi). Parameters ---------- theta : numpy.array array of phase angles nMC : int number of Monte Carlo simulations to assess angle confidence interval if None, the simulation is not performed. level : float significance level against which to gauge sigma and kappa. default: 0.05 Returns ------- angle_mean : float mean angle sigma : float circular standard deviation kappa: float an estimate of the Von Mises distribution's kappa parameter. kappa is a measure of concentration (a reciprocal measure of dispersion, so 1/kappa is analogous to the variance). sigma_lo : float alpha-level quantile for sigma kappa_hi : float (1-alpha)-level quantile for kappa References ---------- _[1] Grinsted, A., J. C. Moore, and S. Jevrejeva (2004), Application of the cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence to geophysical time series, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 11, 561–566. _[2] Huber, R., Dutra, L. V., & da Costa Freitas, C. (2001, July). SAR interferogram phase filtering based on the Von Mises distribution. In IGARSS 2001. Scanning the Present and Resolving the Future. Proceedings. IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (Cat. No. 01CH37217) (Vol. 6, pp. 2816-2818). IEEE. See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.angle_stats: phase angle statistics ''' theta = np.unwrap(theta,discont=2*np.pi) meantheta, kappa, sigma = angle_stats(theta) if nMC is not None: noise = ar1_sim(theta - meantheta, p=nMC) # generate noise matrix sigmaMC = np.empty((nMC)) kappaMC = np.empty((nMC)) for i in range(nMC): _, kappaMC[i], sigmaMC[i] = angle_stats(meantheta+noise[:,i]) sigma_lo = np.quantile(sigmaMC, level) # obtain sigma threshold kappa_hi = np.quantile(kappaMC, 1-level) # obtain kappa threshold else: sigma_lo = kappa_hi = None Results = collections.namedtuple('Results', ['mean_angle', 'kappa', 'sigma', 'kappa_hi', 'sigma_lo']) res = Results(mean_angle=meantheta, kappa=kappa, sigma=sigma, kappa_hi=kappa_hi, sigma_lo = sigma_lo) return res