Source code for pyleoclim.core.correns

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CorrEns objects store the result of an ensemble correlation calculation between timeseries and/or ensemble of timeseries.
The class enables a print and plot function to easily visualize the result. 

import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, transforms as transforms
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from tabulate import tabulate

from ..utils import plotting

def pval_format(p, threshold=0.01, style='exp'):
    ''' Print p-value with proper format when p is close to 0
    if p < threshold:
        if p == 0:
            if style == 'float':
                s = '< 0.000001'
            elif style == 'exp':
                s = '< 1e-6'
                raise ValueError('Wrong style.')
            n = int(np.ceil(np.log10(p)))
            if style == 'float':
                s = f'< {10**n}'
            elif style == 'exp':
                s = f'< 1e{n}'
                raise ValueError('Wrong style.')
        s = f'{p:.2f}'

    return s

[docs]class CorrEns: ''' CorrEns objects store the result of an ensemble correlation calculation between timeseries and/or ensemble of timeseries. The class enables a print and plot function to easily visualize the result. Parameters ---------- r: list the list of correlation coefficients p: list the list of p-values p_fmt_td: float the threshold for p-value formating (0.01 by default, i.e., if p<0.01, will print "< 0.01" instead of "0") p_fmt_style: str the style for p-value formating (exponential notation by default) signif: list the list of significance without FDR signif_fdr: list the list of significance with FDR signif_fdr: list the list of significance with FDR alpha : float The significance level See also -------- pyleoclim.utils.correlation.corr_sig : Correlation function pyleoclim.utils.correlation.fdr : FDR (False Discovery Rate) function ''' def __init__(self, r, p, signif, signif_fdr, alpha, p_fmt_td=0.01, p_fmt_style='exp'): self.r = r self.p = p self.p_fmt_td = p_fmt_td self.p_fmt_style = p_fmt_style self.signif = signif self.signif_fdr = signif_fdr self.alpha = alpha def __str__(self): ''' Prints out the correlation results ''' pi_list = [] for pi in self.p: pi_list.append(pval_format(pi, threshold=self.p_fmt_td, style=self.p_fmt_style)) table = { 'correlation': self.r, 'p-value': pi_list, f'signif. w/o FDR (α: {self.alpha})': self.signif, f'signif. w/ FDR (α: {self.alpha})': self.signif_fdr, } msg = print(tabulate(table, headers='keys')) return f'Ensemble size: {len(self.r)}'
[docs] def plot(self, figsize=[4, 4], title=None, ax=None, savefig_settings=None, hist_kwargs=None, title_kwargs=None, xlim=None, clr_insignif=sns.xkcd_rgb['grey'], clr_signif=sns.xkcd_rgb['teal'], clr_signif_fdr=sns.xkcd_rgb['pale orange'], clr_percentile=sns.xkcd_rgb['salmon'], rwidth=0.8, bins=None, vrange=None): ''' Plot the distribution of correlation values as a histogram Color-coding is used to indicate significance, with or without applying the False Discovery Rate (FDR) method. Parameters ---------- figsize : list, optional The figure size. The default is [4, 4]. title : str, optional Plot title. The default is None. savefig_settings : dict the dictionary of arguments for plt.savefig(); some notes below: - "path" must be specified; it can be any existing or new path, with or without a suffix; if the suffix is not given in "path", it will follow "format" - "format" can be one of {"pdf", "eps", "png", "ps"} hist_kwargs : dict the keyword arguments for ax.hist() title_kwargs : dict the keyword arguments for ax.set_title() ax : matplotlib.axis, optional the axis object from matplotlib See [matplotlib.axes]( for details. xlim : list, optional x-axis limits. The default is None. See also -------- pyleoclim.core.series.Series.correlation: correlation with significance pyleoclim.utils.correlation.fdr: False Discovery Rate matplotlib.pyplot.hist: pyleoclim.utils.plotting.savefig : save figures in Pyleoclim ''' savefig_settings = {} if savefig_settings is None else savefig_settings.copy() hist_kwargs = {} if hist_kwargs is None else hist_kwargs.copy() if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) if vrange is None: vrange = [np.min(self.r), np.max(self.r)] clr_list = [clr_insignif, clr_signif, clr_signif_fdr] args = {'rwidth': rwidth, 'bins': bins, 'range': vrange, 'color': clr_list} args.update(hist_kwargs) # insignif_args.update(hist_kwargs) r_insignif = np.array(self.r)[~np.array(self.signif)] r_signif = np.array(self.r)[self.signif] r_signif_fdr = np.array(self.r)[self.signif_fdr] r_stack = [r_insignif, r_signif, r_signif_fdr] ax.hist(r_stack, stacked=True, **args) ax.legend([f'p ≥ {self.alpha}', f'p < {self.alpha} (w/o FDR)', f'p < {self.alpha} (w/ FDR)'], loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1), ncol=1) frac_signif = np.size(r_signif) / np.size(self.r) frac_signif_fdr = np.size(r_signif_fdr) / np.size(self.r) ax.text(x=1.1, y=0.5, s=f'Fraction significant: {frac_signif * 100:.1f}%', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=10, color=clr_signif) ax.text(x=1.1, y=0.4, s=f'Fraction significant: {frac_signif_fdr * 100:.1f}%', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=10, color=clr_signif_fdr) r_pcts = np.percentile(self.r, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5]) trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) for r_pct, pt, ls in zip(r_pcts, np.array([2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5]) / 100, [':', '--', '-', '--', ':']): ax.axvline(x=r_pct, linestyle=ls, color=clr_percentile) ax.text(x=r_pct, y=1.02, s=pt, color=clr_percentile, transform=trans, ha='center', fontsize=10) ax.set_xlabel(r'$r$') ax.set_ylabel('Count') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) if title is not None: title_kwargs = {} if title_kwargs is None else title_kwargs.copy() t_args = {'y': 1.1, 'weight': 'bold'} t_args.update(title_kwargs) ax.set_title(title, **t_args) if 'fig' in locals(): if 'path' in savefig_settings: plotting.savefig(fig, settings=savefig_settings) return fig, ax else: return ax