kirchner_nproc (pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_nproc)

pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.kirchner_nproc(ys, ts, freq, tau, c=0.012665147955292222, Neff=3, nproc=8, detrend=False, sg_kwargs=None, gaussianize=False, standardize=False)[source]

Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner.

Method modified by kirchner. Supports multiprocessing.

  • ys (array) – a time series

  • ts (array) – time axis of the time series

  • freq (array) – vector of frequency

  • tau (array) – the evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis

  • c (float) – the decay constant that determines the analytical resolution of frequency for analysis, the smaller the higher resolution; the default value 1/(8*np.pi**2) is good for most of the wavelet analysis cases

  • Neff (int) – the threshold of the number of effective degrees of freedom

  • nproc (int) – the number of processes for multiprocessing

  • detrend (string) – None - the original time series is assumed to have no trend; ‘linear’ - a linear least-squares fit to ys is subtracted; ‘constant’ - the mean of ys is subtracted ‘savitzy-golay’ - ys is filtered using the Savitzky-Golay filters and the resulting filtered series is subtracted from y. Empirical mode decomposition. The last mode is assumed to be the trend and removed from the series

  • sg_kwargs (dict) – The parameters for the Savitzky-Golay filters. see pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzy_golay for details.

  • gaussianize (bool) – If True, gaussianizes the timeseries

  • standardize (bool) – If True, standardizes the timeseries


  • wwa (array) (the weighted wavelet amplitude)

  • phase (array) (the weighted wavelet phase)

  • Neffs (array) (the matrix of effective number of points in the time-scale coordinates)

  • coeff (array) (the wavelet transform coefficients (a0, a1, a2))

See also


Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. No multiprocessing


Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing


Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. No multiprocessing


Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner using Numba package.


Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Uses Fortran. Fastest method but requires a compiler.


Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter.