wwz (pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz)

pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.wwz(ys, ts, tau=None, ntau=None, freq=None, freq_method='log', freq_kwargs={}, c=0.012665147955292222, Neff=3, Neff_coi=3, nMC=200, nproc=8, detrend=False, sg_kwargs=None, gaussianize=False, standardize=False, method='Kirchner_numba', len_bd=0, bc_mode='reflect', reflect_type='odd')[source]

Weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) for unevenly-spaced data

  • ys (array) – a time series, NaNs will be deleted automatically

  • ts (array) – the time points, if ys contains any NaNs, some of the time points will be deleted accordingly

  • tau (array) – the evenly-spaced time vector for the analysis, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis

  • freq (array) – vector of frequency

  • freq_method (str) –

    Method to generate the frequency vector if not set directly. The following options are avialable:

    • ’log’ (default)

    • ’lomb_scargle’

    • ’welch’

    • ’scale’

    • ’nfft’

    See pyleoclim.utils.wavelet.make_freq_vector() for details

  • freq_kwargs (str) – used when freq=None for certain methods

  • c (float) – the decay constant that determines the analytical resolution of frequency for analysis, the smaller the higher resolution; the default value 1/(8*np.pi**2) is good for most of the wavelet analysis cases

  • Neff (int) – effective number of points

  • nMC (int) – the number of Monte-Carlo simulations

  • nproc (int) – the number of processes for multiprocessing

  • detrend (string, {None, 'linear', 'constant', 'savitzy-golay'}) –

    available methods for detrending, including

    • None: the original time series is assumed to have no trend;

    • ’linear’: a linear least-squares fit to ys is subtracted;

    • ’constant’: the mean of ys is subtracted

    • ’savitzy-golay’: ys is filtered using the Savitzky-Golay filters and the resulting filtered series is subtracted from y.

    Empirical mode decomposition. The last mode is assumed to be the trend and removed from the series

  • sg_kwargs (dict) – The parameters for the Savitzky-Golay filters. See pyleoclim.utils.filter.savitzky_golay() for details.

  • method (string, {'Foster', 'Kirchner', 'Kirchner_f2py', 'Kirchner_numba'}) –

    available specific implementation of WWZ, including

    • ’Foster’: the original WWZ method;

    • ’Kirchner’: the method Kirchner adapted from Foster;

    • ’Kirchner_f2py’: the method Kirchner adapted from Foster, implemented with f2py for acceleration;

    • ’Kirchner_numba’: the method Kirchner adapted from Foster, implemented with Numba for acceleration (default);

  • len_bd (int) – the number of the ghost grids want to creat on each boundary

  • bc_mode (string, {'constant', 'edge', 'linear_ramp', 'maximum', 'mean', 'median', 'minimum', 'reflect' , 'symmetric', 'wrap'}) – For more details, see np.lib.pad()

  • reflect_type (string, optional, {‘even’, ‘odd’}) – Used in ‘reflect’, and ‘symmetric’. The ‘even’ style is the default with an unaltered reflection around the edge value. For the ‘odd’ style, the extented part of the array is created by subtracting the reflected values from two times the edge value. For more details, see np.lib.pad()


res – a namedtuple that includes below items


the weighted wavelet amplitude.


cone of influence


vector of frequency


the evenly-spaced time points, namely the time shift for wavelet analysis


the matrix of effective number of points in the time-scale coordinates


the wavelet transform coefficents

Return type


See also


Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. No multiprocessing


Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude using the original method from Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing


Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. No multiprocessing


Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Supports multiprocessing


Return the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner using Numba package.


Returns the weighted wavelet amplitude (WWA) modified by Kirchner. Uses Fortran. Fastest method but requires a compiler.


Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter.


Make frequency vector


We perform an ideal test below. We use a sine wave with a period of 50 yrs as the signal for test. Then performing wavelet analysis should return an energy band around period of 50 yrs in the time-period scalogram domain.

In [1]: from pyleoclim import utils

In [2]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [3]: from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, FormatStrFormatter

In [4]: import numpy as np

# Create a signal
In [5]: time = np.arange(2001)

In [6]: f = 1/50  # the period is then 1/f = 50

In [7]: signal = np.cos(2*np.pi*f*time)

# Wavelet Analysis
In [8]: res = utils.wwz(signal, time)

# Visualization
In [9]: fig, ax = plt.subplots()

In [10]: contourf_args = {'cmap': 'magma', 'origin': 'lower', 'levels': 11}

In [11]: cbar_args = {'drawedges': False, 'orientation': 'vertical', 'fraction': 0.15, 'pad': 0.05}

In [12]: cont = ax.contourf(res.time, 1/res.freq, res.amplitude.T, **contourf_args)

In [13]: ax.plot(res.time, res.coi, 'k--')  # plot the cone of influence
Out[13]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f2a61fa00d0>]

In [14]: ax.set_yscale('log')

In [15]: ax.set_yticks([2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000])
[<matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f2a62383b20>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f2a60c2b640>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f2a60a16fa0>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f2a60c24fa0>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f2a632daf10>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f2a6067e100>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f2a60c18f10>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f2a6067ebb0>,
 <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f2a60c24190>]

In [16]: ax.set_ylim([2, 1000])
Out[16]: (2.0, 1000.0)

In [17]: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter())

In [18]: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%g'))

In [19]: ax.set_xlabel('Time (yr)')
Out[19]: Text(0.5, 0, 'Time (yr)')

In [20]: ax.set_ylabel('Period (yrs)')
Out[20]: Text(0, 0.5, 'Period (yrs)')

In [21]: cb = plt.colorbar(cont, **cbar_args)

In [22]: plt.show()